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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

WHY DID I JUST NOTICE 50K+ READS WHTFHAHAHA THANK YOU THANK YOU THATS SO COOL!! i'll try to speed up this King of Hearts game because we've been on it for quite a few chapters and you guys must be bored haha, dw i got you!

descriptive detail of blood, violence, death, (talk of) torture, and dismemberment.


"Well, that was a let-down." Seito's monotoned voice echoed in everyone's ears, though most of you were too focused on catching your breath to even pay him any attention. All of you were in the center of the stadium field, some sat on the ground from exhaustion while others stood with their hands on top of their head.

You, however, stared up at the King of Heart's in his safety box at the top of the arena, biting the inside of your cheeks nervously. He looked very annoyed, and yet he's only had his eyes on you since you made the call to save everyone. Either everybody or nobody would've died, and you chose nobody, and Seito is unsatisfied.

"Nobody died this round," Seito finally sat up in his seat, looking at his control panel that's out of view from the rest of you. "Guess we need to speed things up."

Hearing this made everyone stand up straight with their partners, scared out of their minds what the King will order them to do. The man didn't even need another second to think about it, he knew what he wanted to do, he just wished it didn't have to happen so soon. He thought of it as bringing out appetizers before the main course, except now you're taking away the first courses and just getting straight into it. Yeah, Seito thought of all of you as animals and food, and to think of him as human just like the rest of you is laughable.

"I say," The King stands up and leans forward on the glass window, making everyone's arm hair stand up. "If you have two weapons in your hands, toss out one of them in the red box." On cue, a laser drew a square on the field, hinting to it being the targeted area to ditch your weapon.

Everyone eyed their respected weaponry, weighing their options on which should be sacrificed. Every type of scenario ran through their heads, tallying which weapon would be useful for the most situations, and basing their decision on their survival rate. Only half a minute was on the clock, so one by one the participants chucked a weapon to the side, left with only one in their grasp.

However, that was not the case for you, as you concealed the dosed syringe in your pocket. Technically, it wasn't in your hands, meaning you can have two weapons instead of one. Still, it would be extremely beneficial to have both the screwdriver and tomahawk, as their handiness is evenly matched. Although it might've been the wrong choice, you decided to toss the screwdriver into the red box in the turf grass, the timer beeping as soon as you did so.

Believing you were the last one to make your move, another weapon was thrown into the box, the motion sourced from right next to you. They had decided to leave a perfectly in-tact pocket knife behind, one of the best items you could possibly choose. Only one person would be crazy enough to get rid of that, you thought.

You stepped away as the small block of grass outlined sunk to the ground, completely covering your discarded weapons. As much as you didn't want to, you looked over at the person beside you, Banda, to see which weapon he chose over the pocket knife. Just like you, he had selected three weapons at the very beginning of the game; Though you only saw him hold a butcher knife throughout the game. Even now he held the butcher knife comfortably in his fist, his second item still concealed in his pocket. He might be crazy, but is he crazy enough to really choose a butcher knife over a regular one? If he really was a knife freak like you took him to be, he'd know that a butcher knife would be useless in hand-to-hand combat scenarios. Maybe he's just trying to confuse you on purpose, the secret weapon he has being his real weapon-of-choice. He wants you to think of him as an idiot, take your eye off of him as he's your supposed teammate in this messed up Hearts game. And still, you can't rest when he's in a mile radius of you, it's like instinct to always look for him in the crowd.

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