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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood


"What the fuck?" The voice belonging to an angry man cut your chat with Chishiya and Ippei short, attention diverting to the boy on the floor. From the way he looks and curls up on the cold floor in fear, there's no way that voice belonged to him. "I told you to give me the answer!" A man walked in frame from the corridor. Yep, he fits the voice more.

The first round had just ended, you went into your respected cell and said your symbol. Even though you knew it was the correct answer, hearing the clock tick down into silence made your heart stop too, waiting to see if it would be for good. But, it resumed its beats, and hopefully it'll stay like that every time the time ran out.

You scanned everyone else around the room's reaction, they all didn't look like they were moving to intervene anytime soon. Your hands balled into fists, you know everyone wasn't blind when the angry man pushed around the boy at the beginning of the game, but now it's in front of their faces and they still choose to sit and watch? You weren't the best with people because you couldn't remember said people after a short period of time, but there moments you can remember vividly. Moments of you being pushed around because you hanged around the wrong type of people, which there were a lot of them in the Borderlands, and they thought of you as unreliable and sketchy.

With that being said, what you were about to do next was totally out of character, but the moment you put yourself in the poor boy's shoes, your mind was made up. You marched two steps towards the group before a surprising force pulled you back. "Wha—" You turned to see Chishiya have your wrist in a firm grip. "Chishiya, let me go."

"I know what you're doing," Chishiya didn't budge after a few attempts of you pulling your arm away. "And it won't work."

"No need to be so pessimistic all the time," You rolled your eyes, "Besides, even if it doesn't work, I still have to try."

You moved half an inch and already feel Chishiya's grasp on you get tighter. "You'll get yourself killed, just wait and watch everything unfold by itself. This is how the game begins."

You bit the bottom of your lip as you look over at the man pacing back and forth in the hallway, looking like he'll run up on the boy at any given second. Just then, the man who was closest to the conflict stood up from the ground and bent down to the boy's level. They began to murmur amongst one another, his hands getting a hold of the terrified boy's shoulders. It looked like someone had the same idea as you to help him, no matter how much that same man gives you the creeps. You didn't fight Chishiya anymore, yet he still kept his hand attached to your wrist. The room was so quiet, it felt like everyone was holding their breaths, just waiting for the next thing to happen as if they were watching an action movie.

"Looks to me like you want another beating." The angry man practically stood on top of the boy, making him shuffle back into the other man's arms, but he simply stood up and got out of the way. What the hell? Wasn't he just trying to help him get up? Why is he now walking away? Is no one really going to resolve this?

You watched as the boy was dragged by his hair up onto his feet just to be punched back down to Earth's ground. Your blood boiled the more you watched from the sidelines, looking back at Chishiya who didn't even dare to flick his attention off of you. His eyes were drilled on the back of your head, knowing you're about to make a move. Although it was rather intimidating being drowned under his cold gaze, you ripped his fingers off of your skin. Chishiya's eyebrows flicked upwards at the sudden strength you had, but didn't try to reach for you again. You looked at him for a bit longer before turning around to charge into the fight breaking out, but then something made your feet come to a halt.

"Club." Your fists relaxed at the sound of the boy speaking up, "Club."

You stood there dumbfounded before turning away from the scene slowly, your dignity making you shun away from Chishiya's smug look. The man from before wasn't trying to help the boy, he was manipulating him into tricking the angry man and give him the wrong answer. What made matters worse is that Chishiya knew that, which is why he didn't want you to intervene with the matters taking place. You leaned back on the pillar behind Chishiya, only giving Ippei a small glance to trade with his worried face.

The angry man tossed the boy's face onto the ground like he was throwing away garbage in a trash can. You bit your tongue as you watched him slowly strut along the perimeter of the room, his footsteps being the only noise. Although you already anticipated it, you squint your eyes at the back of his collar just in case. It was a diamond, not a club. You looked away.

You heard Ippei's voice hitch, about to speak up to the angry man, but Chishiya shushed him before any words could come out of his mouth. You didn't bother to look at anyone, crossing your arms against your chest. Unfortunately, Chishiya voiced your exact thoughts. "Now, the game is really starting."



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