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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

this game isn't in the actual show because i wanted to give you guys something new to read! you will recognize it from irl tho : ) CHECK END OF CHAPTER FOR ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! also sorry for taking so long to release chapters that, in my opinion, could be written way better. i'm in a writers block at the moment and swamped with school work, but i still enjoy writing this book of course so i'll try my best!

nothing much hereee, next chapter is where the action starts though.


"Game will now commence." The all-too familiar intercom voice over of the words on the large digital screen spoke. "Difficulty, King of Hearts. Game, Seito Says."

You looked around the room to witness everyone's reactions to the announcement, seeing if "Sieto Says" is a hard game or not, as it wasn't familiar to you. Fortunately, nobody didn't burst out into tears and screams, just the same anxious look since they've been here. However, you couldn't help but mention that you didn't see Banda during your eye-scan, doubting whether you even saw him or not.

"Rules, do what Seito says, when Seito says, and how Seito says to do so." You refocused on the digital screen reading out the rules. Expecting more conditions, everyone stood there in silence until the digital voice started speaking again, but that time never came. Instead, the screen completely turned off along with the stadium lights. You could only hear murmurs of your peers in the aftermath from the blackout, heart beats picking up paste.

"Welcome, players!" A more human-like voice boomed from the speakers, though the source still anonymous as the lights hadn't turned on. "Up here, in the booth!" All of you collectively turned your heads to where spokesmen would usually narrate the sports games for those watching digitally, a box-like room poking above the seats lit up from the inside. There was a large glass window built in the box, it being the only light source in the entire arena. A strange man with red hair held a wireless microphone, he wore a rather stylish black outfit with red and gold sequences, you could tell it costed a fortune. He was the type of man you'd see as a host on a famous talkshow, the ones that bring the audience on stage to compete in games for a large amount of money.  This man was one born in the spotlight, so it was safe to assume he was the King of Hearts.

"I'm Seito," The King bowed as royalty, "And I'm glad you all could make it here. Don't be nervous, as you will get out of this game safely if you just... do as I say."

The instructions were simple, no room for strategic maneuvers or sneaky decisions, you all followed one man and one man only. However, all of you made it this far for a reason, so all of you know it won't be easy to just "do as he says."

"Here, let's start simple." Seito cleared his throat, "I say, spin around three times."

All of you just looked at each other. Is this guy serious right now?

Then, another beam of light shined behind you, everyone's shadows turning around in an instant to the change of lighting. It was the big screen that previously showcased the rules, but this time it had a timer set to thirty seconds. It started ticking down, though you were still adjusting to the new atmosphere to realize. "Another rule I should mention, you must do what I say before the time runs out." Seito's voice boomed in the night, "So, I advise you to hurry up already."

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