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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

hey! one day late, i was on a roll too of daily uploads but that's alrighttt. i've just been enjoying writing this story a lot, so don't expect me to slow down as much! ...i really hope i didn't just jinx myself.

incoming a severe panic attack dealing with the stress of Y/N's dissociative amnesia. lots of internal battles, self-degradation, nervous habits, and thought/sensory overload. this is Y/N in their true element when it comes to dealing with their disorder, and i'm serving it to you on a silver platter. take care :' )


"Twenty seconds left." The same monotoned voice from previous rounds spoke from above your head. You take a deep breath, not understanding why you feel like hesitating before saying your answer. You stood in a chamber separated from everyone else, making it just you and the speaker alone in the room.

So, you hurried yourself up, "Diamond." You don't know why you get more nervous the more the timer screen mounted on the wall ticks down. Your teeth jittered as if you were freezing, even though the temperature doesn't even pass as chilly. Your palms pushed down on your opposing hands' knuckles to crack them constantly, even though they felt bruised afterwards. Your eyes glued themselves shut when the final set of ticks struck, even though you were confident in your announced answer.

After it went quiet, a muffled explosion followed quickly after, the sound all too familiar in almost every previous round. Someone didn't give the digital sound system the right answer, which made their life be squished out of them by their neck collar. Even though it wasn't your neck collar exploding, you still brushed your sore fingers on the metal, thinking about how much pain you'd be in for a split second before all your senses were lost... or if you wouldn't feel anything at all.

You hoped whoever just died in the chamber beside you didn't feel anything.

You were the second person to push open the heavy door, seeing Chishiya a few feet away. This was a normal occurrence, as for some reason a lot of people decide to take their precious time in their chamber before choosing to exit. Personally, you didn't want to be in that cell block for any longer than you had to be.

Chishiya didn't either, because as soon as he left his cell, he occupied himself with staring at something, too busy to spare you a glance. Without a word, you rolled up beside him, taking a peek at what he was looking at. But, once you saw it, you had that same feeling you did back in your chamber.

Your teeth jittered at the bright colors through the fenced window in the metal door.

Your knuckles cracked at the overwhelming amount of blood splattered on the walls.

Your eyes shut after they landed on the limp corpse on the ground belonging to the boy you were just talking to.

Chishiya could only sigh at the poor sight, not needing to look at you to sense your reaction. "You were too kind for this world," He breathed, "Ippei."

You choked on your own gasp for air, eyes shooting open while goosebumps rolled over your skin. Ippei, the boy's name is Ippei, but you knew that, surely. You remembered Chishiya, so why couldn't you remember Ippei? Did your brain not consider him important enough to store? But, you cared for Ippei so much, you considered him important.

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