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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

oh my GOD i feel like i haven't updated in forever, sorry i've been suuper distracted lately haha, i'm trying my best i swear !! to make it up to you, i'll be releasing the next chapter as soon as i can (hopefully) TOMORROW! even though it's midnight for me right now— IN ABOUT 24 HOURS ILL RELEASE IT LMAO

small talks of blood, dismemberment, and obviously death.


"Looks like everyone has picked?" The King of Hearts boasted in the safe box above the arena, looking down on his subjects. "Fantastic! Oh, I love the variety you've all chosen, this will be very interesting."

His comment made you take a look for yourself at the other players, and they truly had chosen different objects. You thought what you and Bands had were the superior choices, however you must've been the only one to think that. Though, you couldn't find yourself too surprised, a each person's weapons reflected what type of player they were.

Those with heavy mullets and axes were no doubt Spade specialists, as they didn't show the slightest struggle in the weight.

Those who held wire cutters and drills were definitely Diamond specialists, thinking more about creating a way out rather than fighting for one.

Those who came together to strategized were pure Club specialists, duos with their own different weapons to help each other out in any given situation.

Then... what's left were Heart specialists, which you found yourself categorized in. However, you weren't proud of it like Niragi and Banda, who chose weapons that'll be the most painful to their opponents. That's not you, and that can never be you, the worst you'll allow yourself to be is selfish. That's enough to be a Hearts player, after all.

"And now, I say," Your head snapped real quick in Seito's direction, eager to listen carefully even though he doesn't plan to whisper. "Separate you and your partner from the others in your own box." You furrowed your eyebrows at the instruction, unsure of your "box" in question. Just when you eyed the grass you stood upon, red lines began to form on it. The source came from above, the stadium lights painted red to contrast a red hue to the green. In a matter of seconds, the sports field was divided into six squares, all about five yards wide. Then, a new timer was set on the screen for ten seconds, sending everyone into panic. You and Banda already stood far away from the other groups, so you didn't have to rush to your respected area.

Even with the short amount of time, all duos claimed a box... except for one. It was a young man and woman, she leaned on him as he supported her injured leg. "Uh, S—Seito, was it?" The nervous male yelled to the King, "There's no more open squares, do we just—"

"Die?" Seito interrupted his speech, "Yes."

The man was in shock, wide eyeing the evil man in control. That's when the woman spoke up, her capability of yelling definitely was not as bad as her walking. "How is that fair?" Her voice cracked with her screeches, "Where we chose to stand even before the game started is the cause of our death? That's just based on luck! What kind of game is this?"

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