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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

since this is a more intense chapter, i'm going to put a ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ label on the beginning of the surgery and one at the end, so you can skip it if you like. you won't miss hardly anything important to the story and their character development, so don't feel bad if you have to skip past it. i want what's best for you guys always : ) also not to brag but this chapter is a WHOPPING 3K WORDS... that's the longest i've done so far, crazy!

alright, here's the ingredients list for this chapter's warnings; two cups of blood, a tablespoon of scars, three scoops of needles, preheat it in undergoing minor surgery, pinch of open wound talk, four spoonfuls of more blood, stir in some stitching, andddd pour it in a container of panicking. that's the recipe for today HAHA


"You ready for this?" You had pulled up a chair beside him, his cut hand extended on a tray in front of you. All you had was a needle, needle driver, scissors, and a string of thread, but that's the best you're gonna get.

"I should be asking you that," Chishiya sat up straight on the hospital bed, looking down at you lazily. "You look more nervous than me."

"Because I am," You took a deep breath, taking the opportunity to look away from his injury to connect proper eye contact with him. "You never look nervous, scared, surprised, or anything. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't feel pain."

"That last one is a lie," Chishiya skip past the other notations put on his character, "I feel pain all the time, just like anyone else."

You leaned back into your chair, crossing your arms as you gathered the previous events that just took place not even 12 hours ago. "I'd like to believe that, but when I took a chunk out of your hand, broke your arm, dislocated your shoulder, and caused you to get a concussion? You barely reacted. I mean, are you not in any pain right now?"

"Oh no, I feel awful," Chishiya admitted to his pain nonchalantly, making you feel guilty for not noticing it sooner. "When I fell on my arm, popped my shoulder back in place, or even felt the saline on my palm earlier? Trust me, I wanted to scream, but I've learned at a very young age that screaming when you're angry, upset, or hurt, doesn't help you or anyone around you. It's just annoying, and I didn't want to annoy you, so I just... bit my tongue."

Chishiya opened his mouth slightly and rolled out his bruised tongue, "Literally."

You gave him eyes full of awe for him, not knowing how to respond to this new inside look on how his brain works. You couldn't imagine a mindset like that, where you can't express any negative emotion, not only in public but to yourself. Sometimes, you'd be so overwhelmed that you just have to stuff your face in a pillow and scream. When you were done, you felt a few pounds of imaginable weight being lifted off of your body. Screaming was like untwisting a bottle cap containing a liquid of overflowing emotions. If Chishiya's cap is glued shut, then where does his emotions go when there's too much?

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