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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood
↻ ◃ II ▹ ↺

i gotta tell you guys something... for the past two chapters, as soon as i published them, i literally turn off my phone and start giggling. AND I DONT OPEN THIS APP UNTIL ALMOST TWO DAYS LATER HAHA but seriously i've been loving your reactions to these chapters, as it shows that i'm turning this book in the right direction and making the right calls for it. thank you for the feedback!

only one; signs of PTSD from Banda. other than that, hope you're enjoying this mini vacation from angst! ... because it's coming to an end very soon <3


"Hey, Y/N!" Arisu swung the door leading to your room open, clearly in a rush. "I wanted to let you know—"

"Shh," You put your finger against your lips, then pointed at the sleeping man beside you. Arisu went on the tips of his toes to peek over at what you were pointing at, then immediately went wide-eyed at the sight. You didn't blame him, as seeing Chishiya sleeping for so long was a rare sight to all.

"Sorry," Arisu cleared his throat and adjusted his tone to a whisper. "I wanted to let you know that me and Ann are heading out to participate in some games. I need to find Usagi so I'll be at a Spades game most likely, and I think Ann is gonna find more of our group at a Clubs game."

You shot him a thumbs up and a smile, allowing him to close the door as quiet as possible to not wake up Chishiya. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling at Arisu's character, as his body and verbal language is simply goofy, but in a good way. You weren't used to being around multiple people outside of a game arena just yet, let alone someone as positive as Arisu, but you'd love to get familiar with it. Just like how you'd love pick up where you left off with Chishiya, you just have to remember where that is exactly.

Arisu announcing his departure to go venture off into another game reminds you of where you were, as you've been rather distracted lately. On that note, you close your memory book and stand up from the bed. Journal still in hand, you walk around the sleeping Chishiya to look out the window, scoping out blimps in the distance. You weren't too high up to see every single blimp in the city, but just enough to look over a couple of far-away buildings.

You spotted the Queen of Spades blimp in the corner of the window's view, betting that's where Arisu went. On the complete opposite side is the Jack of Clubs, the odds of Ann being there were in your favor. Not too far away from that blimp was King of Diamonds, your eyes already moving onto the next target as a hard memory game is a death trap for you. Then, straight ahead was the King of Hearts, though the Queen was nowhere in sight.

You don't consider yourself a "Hearts player", however you definitely have your own weaknesses for the other three symbols. Spades is a close second on your list, though you don't consider yourself athletic enough to clear a face card of it as the highest difficulty you've ever participated in was 4 of Spades. That leaves Diamonds and Clubs left, and avoiding them as much as you can was the best choice for you, as you can't remember how to do long-division just like how you can't remember your teammates' names. So, you're left with Hearts, mostly everyone else's least-preferable game. It's a game of betrayal, revenge, and loss, something you've experienced all too well at a young age. Your bad memory is a double-edged sword in this card category, as you can't feel all too bad for the death of a blurry face. You still felt remorse, as you cried for Ippei back at the Jack of Hearts game, however you forget their existence and pain the next day.

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