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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

told ya it was getting good! and, we're just starting the main plot point! on chapter seventeen! kinda late but let's not talk about it! also you might've gotten a notification on a few of the old chapters being updated, that's because I was changing some people's names. I had been using side characters like Sunato Banda's first name the entire time, though researching more on Japanese culture, I found out that it's more appropriate and polite to use people's last names in conversation if you're not that close to them. of course, everyone calls Y/N by her first name because she's the reader's character, and you call Chishiya by his last name because that's just what he's more known for throughout the show. other than those two, Sunato has been now more commonly referred to as Banda! : )

with chishiya's injury, there's some detailed pain that he's going through, including talks of blood and bones, but that's pretty much it! you're off the hook... for now


"I think he's gone." You hustled back to the car that's been your barricade for a while, though your sense of time has been majorly messed with because of your time at the Jack of Hearts game. While you were keeping a lookout, watching the King of Spades every movement, Chishiya was taking care of his arm the best he could. Your first time seeing him since you got in this predicament was him with his jacket off, wrapped around his shoulder and arm to be used as a homemade cast for his broken arm. He wore a simple yet thin black shirt underneath his infamous white layered hoodie, the v-neck down his chest revealing his bare collarbones. You didn't stare any longer, quickly refocusing at his injury. "Does it hurt? Can you get up?"

"Of course I can get up," Chishiya exasperated, "My arm broke, not my legs." With that being said, karma hit him hard, as he struggled standing up on his feet without using his arms for support. You waited for him to ask for help, but deep down knee that he would rather break his other arm than to admit defeat. So, you crossed your arms and looked down on him shuffling around, back against the car.

It got to the point where he was moving around so much that he became out of breath, suddenly plopping back down on the pavement. "Give me a minute," Chishiya said in between short breaths, "To catch my breath."

You rolled your eyes at him, not allowing him to feed you another excuse before bending down and pulling his arm around the back of your neck. "Come on," You stifled a groan as you let him use you as support, "You said your legs worked, right? Then move." In silence, he obliged to your helping hand and used all of his strength to stand upright on his feet, though you mostly did all the work.

"Mmh, alright," You pushed through and dragged the both of you out in the open street, "I can't see a hospital near here, all I know is—"

"Sakurazawa University Hospital," Chishiya finished your sentence, eager to back it up before you ask too many questions. "I just know where it is, so that's our best shot."

"Yeah," You slowly nodded, already turning to the left towards the hospital. "Right."

"Woah, woah," Before you could get far, Chishiya had to voice his many complaints with your decisions. "We're going towards the guy who almost shot us?"

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