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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

3k reads already?! you guys are awesome! let me know what other AIB characters you want me to write about in the future.

no bad stuff today! still taking a breather from the last chapter LMAO.


"Tch," Chishiya chuffed as his eyes followed the duo swiftly exiting the cafeteria as soon as you and him arrived. "Could they make it anymore obvious?"

You frowned at this, staring at the far corridor the man and woman went through. Chishiya plopped himself next to you at one of the cafeteria tables, the bag in his hand crinkling as he tried to open it. He eyes you curiously, wondering why you can't stay unbothered like he can, even though the answer is obvious. You turned to him with sad eyes, "Why is everyone avoiding us?"

"Well," He cleared his throat, pushing a cookie in between his lips as he spoke. "They're avoiding you because they think you killed Ippei on purpose."

Your eyes drifted away from his, swaying back and forth on the objects resting in front of the two of you to distract your mind. Ippei's death was only a little over thirty minutes ago, and somehow Chishiya made you feel so much better in the span of five. You both sat on the floor, hidden from the eyes of the public, all the way up into when he heard your stomach rumble. Without allowing you to protest, he stood the both of you up and lead the way to the cafeteria.

During your time together, Chishiya was the one to fill the empty air with meaningless conversations, and you sat and listened. On any other day, it would've been the other way around. But, you get a free trial of an hour, maybe two if you're lucky, of special treatment.

"Y/N," Your head snapped back to look at the man, who could tell that you were about to spiral back into intense guilt for your loss. "You didn't kill Ippei. You know that."

"I do, I do," You repeated back to him, trying to convince yourself more than Chishiya. "But, what happens now? The rounds are just gonna keep going and going with no deaths, because the real Jack of Hearts will just wait until I'm finally pinned into a corner—"

"And I'll be in that corner." Chishiya cut you off, not wanting to hear another word of the worst possible scenario that can surface at any point of time given. It was funny how your roles were reversed now, all you did was mope in your head about all the worse possibilities on how this game will turn out. Then there's Chishiya, who's stepped up in being the peace maker between you and your own mind, debunking all of your pessimistic theories.

You don't know what you'd do without him. Hell, you probably would've ended up like everyone else in the big group at the start of the game. Or worse, you'd end up like Ippei.

"With that being said," He planted his hands firmly on the table to push himself up from his seat. "I'll be back. Stay here, and go to the cell when they announce that five minutes are remaining, no earlier." You listened curiously, wondering why the sudden rules of caution were being nailed into your brain. Still, it's not like you could ask him to explain further, because ten times out of ten, he won't.

So, you obliged silently, then tested the bar set between the two of you for your current, short-lived conversation. "Are you sure you're not coming back? We still have lots of time left."

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