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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

WE'RE SO CLOSE TO THE FINISH LINE! crossing my fingers i finish it before my birthday this month!

talks of previous injuries, gun violence, and some blood.


"Come out already!" Niragi's voice was muffled in your ears, blending in with the intense ringing. It hadn't stopped since the first gunshot, and the multiple following only made it worse. Niragi stood on-top of the car you propped yourself against, facing away from the gunfire as you couldn't handle getting shot again. You felt like a dying soldier in a world war, hiding behind barricades and waiting for someone to rescue you, except nobody is going to. If Chishiya saw that photo, he wouldn't even bare to look at you in the eye. You've turned into an animal— Almost on the same level as Banda, because you hate that you enjoyed every bit of torturing him.

You heard Arisu's softer voice battling with Niragi's, not able to make out any of the words being exchanged. Your calf was still bleeding, now unable to feel your entire foot. So, you dragged yourself across the ground and around the car, trying to see a relatively-safe path to get to Chishiya's car. When you reached the front tire, you peeked your head around. To your surprise, Chishiya's head was also just around the corner, searching for you too. When your eyes met, you didn't know if you should be relieved or frightened. As for Chishiya, he was alert, eyes flickering from you to Niragi standing on the car.

"Stop this Niragi!" The two of you directed your attention to Arisu's cries, whose large shotgun peered from the top of the car.

"I'm just acting like you guys, doing whatever I feel like." Niragi switched his gun position from Chishiya's car to Arisu's. "Every time you open your mouths, it's just to talk about yourselves. I've had to listen to your bullshit the whole time!"

During Niragi's rant, you turned to Chishiya for a plan, wanting to take advantage of the man's distraction. Fortunately, Chishiya was thinking the same thing, signaling you to crawl over to his side as quick as possible. You took one last look at Niragi, who was fixated on pouring his feelings out to Arisu. Just then, you used up all of your stored energy to launch yourself across the ground and towards Chishiya, holding your breath as pain shot through your body with every movement. Finally, you made it to the other side, slamming your body against the other side of the car for support. Using your torn muscles in your legs from the gunshot hurt like hell, but luckily Chishiya was already examining all of your injuries. You felt his hand gently touch all of your bruises, cuts, and even wipe off the access blood on your skin.

"Hey Doc," You mumbled, really talking to yourself as he was too busy tending to your bullet wound. You felt him turn your leg carefully, seeing if the bullet went through cleanly. You didn't look at that though, you just kept your eyes fixated on his face. You analyzed all of his expressions, practically able to read his thoughts from them. Despite him being shot, he's still worried about you. Maybe, just maybe, if the world is on your side, then he didn't have time to see the photo on Niragi's phone. Luck has been on your side recently... despite being shot.

"Fuck," You perked up at Chishiya's voice, his first words to you since the hospital being concerning to your ears. "The bullet didn't exit on the other side." He showed the other side of your calf not having a matching bullet hole to your front side.

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