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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

woahhh over 20k reads and 1k votes?! that's insane? you guys are amazing! i know i have another book with over 150k reads, but just between me and you... i like this one a lot better and i'm more proud of this book's recognition! shhhh don't tell anybody

nooo warningsss, finally a good chapter : )


"We were a...?" Your words trailed on, not being able to finish with full confidence. You couldn't believe your ears. All this time you were trying to get back to the ones you loved, and one of them was right here the whole time? As soon as he revealed his identity as Shun Shi, the fog in your memory of a second person cleared up. You remember him, he was the doctor that helped you with psychotherapy, which is why he knew what to do when you had panic attacks. But then again, you don't remember every detail, like how you two became a...

"Couple." Chishiya finished your sentence for you, looking out the window as he didn't want to be disappointed by your potential reaction. "It wasn't allowed, as a doctor-patient relationship was considered inappropriate. But... you were persistent, patient, and caring, so who wouldn't fall for you?"

He spoke so highly of you, and yet you had nothing to say back. You know he was the exact same to you, but you couldn't exactly remember. This whole ordeal felt unreal to you, as you couldn't fathom the fact that you've known Chishiya for years and didn't recognize him when you reunited in the Borderlands.

Chishiya wasn't upset with you, he knew about your disorder as he was the one taking care of you, but guilt still found a way to creep on you. He had to have felt miserable reintroducing himself to you, and yet never showed a sight of hurt through it all. Did he cry? Did he take that five minute break period in the chamber to let it out without you seeing him? Did he let tears flow for the lost of his lover? Did Chishiya cry for you? Either way, you wanted to cry for him. He helped you through your trauma more than he needed to without a doubt, he created your happiness moments in this same boring hospital room, and you can't remember a thing. Did you even love him back? If you did, then would you not have forgotten him?

"I know what you're thinking," Chishiya sighed and put his hand on your upright knee. "I always know what you're thinking. And I also know that none of this is your fault, I don't blame you for not being able to prevent your Dissociative Amnesia. It's impossible and unpredictable, Y/N, and dwelling on it won't bring your memories back."

You examined the man carefully, his expression not faltering as he drew tiny circles on your skin. Chishiya didn't look upset or angry, in fact he looked relieved to finally be able to get everything off of his chest and be open with you. The two of you have been inseparable ever since the Jack of Hearts game a while back, it could've been weeks ago, but he's really known you for years. Oh, how you wish you could know him like that.

"However," He gave you a final pat on your knee before getting off the bed to walk towards the other side of the room. "I know something that could potentially get you some of your memories back."

You sat up eagerly in the bed, watching him open a far away cabinet to grab a key. He bent down to a drawer in the corner, slid the key in the lock, and twisted it until it clicked. On that cue, Chishiya pulled the drawer open and rummaged through its containments, too far away for you to look over his shoulder. You couldn't see exactly what, but he grabbed two objects and faced the wall to tamper with them out of your view. To your surprise, he draped one of them over his back, letting you discover that it was a white coat. After Chishiya adjusted it to his liking, he situated the second mystery object in his hands before turning around to showcase your surprise.

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