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Leaving Tonight • The Neighbourhood

sorry about late posts! i had planned on posting more than usual this weekend, but i actually had a lot of stuff to do. wrote this in an airport parking lot, gotta keep up the grind right? LMAO hope you enjoy tho : )

filler chapter, next one is a bit crazyyy thoooo. and just a little heads up, i considered most of these chapters chill even if a lots going on because as soon as they leave the Jack of Hearts game, shit gets REAL. you'll soon be thankful for these chill chapters as they're preparing you for what i have in store HAHA


"Can we talk?" You've been dreading having this conversation with the man you just bit during one of your episodes for the longest time. No matter if it's awkward, you both tell one another your symbols as soon as you walk out the cells, but that was the last time you spoke to him this round. Even so, Chishiya deserves an apology at least, so you decided to suck up your dignity and follow through with it. You sighed into your words, "Last round was... a lot, for me— But that doesn't make it right for me to act out in front of you like that."

You remembered to take a breather in between sentences, not wanting to be sent into another rambling spell while explaining your previous one. You both sat alone in the empty cafeteria once again, however you found him there first which forced you to approach him right then and there. "It's just," You slowed your speech down, "I feel really bad about hurting you like that. I'm sorry, Chishiya."

"Don't be," Chishiya put his hand up to excuse you, though keeping his injured one tucked away from the human eye. "It didn't even hurt."

You dropped your head to your shoulder, "Chishiya, you don't have to lie."

"I'm not," Chishiya lifted his arm to show you his scarred palm, "See? Pretty much healed."

You walked closer to him and gently grabbed his hand, pulling it towards your eyes to look at the engraved marks you created on his clean skin. With a shortage of supplies, Chishiya was only able to clean it up with water, making sure he doesn't touch any dirty surfaces and hope for the best. You frowned at the sight, remembering how it looked when it first bled to the now-dried blood in each indention.

"You worry too much," You heard Chishiya say underneath his breath, placing his other hand on top of yours to make you look up at him. "Don't apologize, I shouldn't have put my hand over your mouth. We were both scared, Y/N. It's fine, really." You tilt your head at that statement with pure confusion and curiosity, he was also scared? You didn't even see any signs of that on his face at any point, so he must just be really good at concealing that. If so, then how many other times has he been scared since he's been here?

"I'll patch myself up correctly when we get out of here." He filled your silence once again with reassurance, and he was rewarded with a thankful smile belonging to you. "Which will be very soon."

You quirked up an eyebrow at this, signaling for him to further explain his claim. Chishiya let out a breathy exhale, knowing that he owes you this talk a long time ago. "I know who the Jack is."

You stopped breathing, "Really?"

"Really." He still held onto your hand, not realizing the intimate contact as he talked, "I've been asking around, getting information from people and forming small alliances."

You didn't mind his hands folded over yours and how his thumb mindlessly scrolled up and down your skin, though the motion was making it hard for you to focus. "So they know I'm not the Jack."

Chishiya shrugged, "More or less."

You lolled your head to the side with no response, not verbally telling Chishiya to further explain but the message got across nonetheless. "I might've put on a little act with everyone," Chishiya shifted his eyes away from yours, like he didn't want to see your reaction to what he was about to admit. "Saying that I think you're the Jack and think you're lying to me about my symbol."

Your hand in his went numb, the muscles in your face and arms tightening as well. The small movement jolt brought the man's eyes back to yours, slightly frowning at your expression. "Chishiya," Is all you could muster out, already thinking about what all he was saying about you to those people.

"Y/N," He answered back, "I don't actually think that, and I never have, not for a second."

A part of you already knew that, your conscious trying to nail in your head that it was all pretend. He said those things for the sake of you and him, he would never turn on you at a time like this. With that being said, the other part of you was questioning that.

"But," Chishiya hesitated this next part, "Everyone else did, and I had to take advantage of that. And after chatting with Banda and Yaba, the man teamed up with the woman, we devised up a plan."

You believed him whole heartedly, you knew you did, but you can't help but be disappointed. Why did Chishiya have to leave you in the dark for so long? Even throw you under the bus for a little bit? You could've been apart of that plan, you had what it took, but did he think that too? Or does he just see you as a mentally deranged girl who can't remember what she ate the morning before?

10 minutes remaining.

"Well, since it's not me," You lead on the matter, "Then who is it?"

That's when Chishiya slowly pulled away from your hand, getting up from the wall and preparing to walk to his chamber like everyone else. "You'll see soon," Chishiya turned his back on you, yet still looking over his shoulder to show you a proud smirk, "Because this is the last round."



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