Chapter 5 - The Car Ride

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Tomas' POV:

As I look at my phone, I swallow nervously and take a deep breath 'it's because something has happened'. Britt looks at me and waits for me to carry on. I take a deep breath and say 'something's happened to his mother, but he hasn't said' I say. Britt then says 'I hope he's ok'. I smile slightly and say 'me too'. I face the front and Britt's Mum asks us 'so will he be there tonight?'. Britt leans forward and says 'yes he will'. Britt then leans back down and asks 'can you put The Vamps CD in please?'. I look at Britt's Mum and notice that she places the CD in. I smile and lean back and hear Wild Heart blast through the car speakers.

Britt's POV:

As The Vamps play through the speaker, I lean back and look through Twitter. There isn't much happening and The Tide or The Vamps aren't tweeting much. I guess it's because they are preparing for the concert. I look at my phone and it is 3:20. School would be finishing in 5 minutes, but luckily me and Tomas aren't at school. As I'm looking through my phone, I hear Tomas humming to Wild Heart still and I start to sing quietly. When Tomas hears me sing, he sings to mouth the words, but not sing. I then notice a tweet from Levi saying:

'I can't wait to see you all tonight in Birmingham!'.

I smile and say 'I can't wait to see you tonight Mr Jones'. Tomas then turns around and says 'were you talking about Levi again?'. I look at my phone and blush, Tomas then says 'I take it you saw the tweet too'. I smile and say 'if you're on about Levi's tweet then yes'. Tomas then nods and my mum says 'I think your obsessed with Levi and Drew'. I look at my mum and says 'have you only just realised? Haha'. My mum then smiles and says 'I realised that as soon as you started talking about them when they came out'. I smile a little and look at my phone again. I then notice Tomas is thinking to himself as I see his thinking face in the mirror. 'You ok Tom?' I ask confused. Tomas then smiles and says 'I'm fine thank you'. I then sigh and just let him think to himself whilst I look through Twitter and hum along to The Vamps.

Tomas' POV:

There's been 1 thing that has been on my mind this entire time. I know this sounds bad and I should be happy for Britt, but I'm still a little jealous that she is meeting The Tide and The Vamps on her own with them. I'm happy for her as this is her dream, but it's mine too. As I stop thinking and snap into reality, I realise that we are on track 7, which is Oh Cecilia (Breaking My Heart). I've really been sitting there thinking for about 16 minutes, ish.

I then start to sing along quietly and I notice Britt looks up and smiles at me through the mirror. She then mouths 'you sure you're ok?'. I smile and mouth back 'yes thank you'.

As I'm looking out the window, I see that Nate has tweeted and I smile. He has tweeted:

'I can't wait to see you all, especially Brittany after the show'.

I smile a little and say 'Britt, have you seen Nate's tweet?'. Britt then looks at me and asks 'what was it about?'. I smile and show Britt my phone. She smiles and says 'awwww that's nice'. I smile and she hands me my phone back.

Britt's POV:

This feels like the longest car ride ever. We're still on the motorway and we're just coming up the the Toll Stations. As my mum pays to go through, she smiles and says 'almost there now, I bet you can't wait'. I smile and say 'I definitely can't wait'. Tomas then smiles and says 'me too!'. As we pull up to the arena, my mum drives through to the right car park and parks up. 'Right, you guys are in the Genting arena, so don't go in the wrong one' my mum says, I smile and look at Tomas. 'Luckily we have enough time to get Tomas some food'. Tomas then smiles and my mum says 'well there's a Starbucks, Wetherspoons and more'. My mum then smiles and Tomas smiles and he is excited. I then laugh and say 'we best get Tomas out of the car before he explodes'. We climb out the car and wave my mum goodbye as she heads off and I ask Tomas 'where would you like to go and get food then?'.

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