Chapter 25 - The Fun House

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Britt's POV:

'Would anyone like to go to the fair this weekend with me and my friend?' I ask Levi, Drew, Austin, Nate & Waddy. Waddy smiles and says 'I'm not thanks, but the guys can if they want'. Nate smiles and says 'I'll go'. Austin nods and says 'same'. Drew smiles and says 'Lets go this weekend then'. Levi smiles and looks at me 'I'll go wherever Britt goes'. I smile and cuddle against him.

My mum walks in and says 'awwww, so who asked who then?'. I roll my eyes and smile before Levi starts to tell my mum how it all started.


Tomas texts me saying 'I'm here, what's the surprise?'. I smile and show my phone to Levi. He smiles and says 'just text him saying wait and see'. I smile and type what Levi told me to type. Tomas only knows that I'm coming, he doesn't know about The Tide coming. Waddy is also here, but he is just dropping us all off. They picked me up from my house for me.

As we pulled up to Westbridge Park, I see Tomas waiting on the canal bridge staring at his phone. I smile and tap Levi on the shoulder before pointing to Tomas. 'That's him' I say. Levi smiles and says 'either I'm looking at the wrong person or Tomas is a girl'. I laugh and say 'you are probably looking at the wrong person'. Levi then smiles and says 'guess I missed him then haha'. I smile and the car comes to a stop. 'Does everyone have their money?' Waddy asks. 'Yes dad' Austin says and Nate giggles a little. Drew smiles and says 'they're so childish sometimes'. Levi smiles and says 'you can talk too Mr Dirksen'.

Tomas' POV:

I see no Brittany and I'm started to get worried as she has just texted me that she's here. I can't see no black car. My phone buzzes again and it says 'close your eyes'. I look at my phone and make sure that I read that properly. I reply back with 'what if I fall in the canal?'. Britt instantly texts back with 'then we'll find you somehow'. I shrug my shoulders and slowly close my eyes.

'SURPRISE!' I hear from multiple people and I jump. My eyes are still closed and I say 'there were multiple voices then'. Britt laughs and says 'just open your eyes already'. I open my eyes and my jaw drops and Britt says 'good surprise?'. I nod my head with my jaw still open. Britt pushes my jaw closed with her hand and I blink and rub my eyes to make sure that this isn't real.

As we enter the fair, Levi asks Britt 'so where do you want to go first Britt?'. Britt looks around and points at a fun house. I smile and I see Britt and Levi hold hands. 'Awwwwwwww' I point at Levi and Britt and she blushes and cuddles Levi. 'Awwwwwww' I say again. Nate elbows me softly and says 'I'd be careful, Austin and Drew have told me off for doing that too much'. I laugh and Nate laughs too. 'Guys, this is Tomas and he is a little crazy, but fun crazy' Britt says and I smile at Britt. Austin smiles and says 'at least your not going to be annoying then haha'. I laugh and Britt asks 'can we go to the fun house yet?'. Drew smiles and says 'I'm gonna follow you guys'.

Britt's POV:

As we approach the fun house, I hear Tomas, Nate, Drew and Austin whispering behind us and so does Levi as he asks me 'do you know what they are whispering about?'. I laugh and say 'no, but its probably something silly'. Levi laughs and nods.

As we pay to go in, we enter and first is a hall of mirrors and someone bursts into laughter. Levi turns around and sees Drew laughing at himself in the mirror. I turn around to see Drew with a big head and long body in the mirror. I laugh too. As we exit the hall of mirrors, Levi holds my hand and I see an escalator type floor where you have to stand on it as it moves you. Levi smiles and asks 'whose going first?'. Nate hops forward and says 'me!'. Levi laughs and says 'ok'. Nate stands on it and the guy on the till controls the machine. Nate is jolting back and forth as the man laughs. Nate then hurries off and says 'that man is mean'. Tomas bursts into laughter. Drew then rolls his eyes and says 'I'll go next'. Drew tries to walk across it but the man puts it in reverse so Drew is walking on the spot. Austin giggles and someone's camera goes off. I see that Nate has taken a photo of Drew. Drew then hops off at the end and smiles. Austin moves out the way and says 'Tomas, would you like to go next?'. Tomas smiles and hops onto the escalator. The man moves Tomas all the way to the end and as Tomas is about to step off, he moves it backwards and Tomas almost falls over. Nate also takes a photo of Tomas. Austin then hops on at the same time and Tomas tries to move out the way but trips on his bum. Austin then jumps over Tomas and gets to the other side whereas Tomas is back where he started. Tomas then runs across it leaving me and Levi on the other side.

Tomas then smiles and says 'have a nice date'. I look at Tomas confused and Drew shouts 'Runaway!'. Tomas, Nate, Drew and Austin all run away and carry on the fun house. I look at Levi and he says 'so that's what they were whispering about'. I laugh and nod. Levi smiles and says 'well, after you love'. I smile and say 'thank you Mr Jones'. We both step onto the escalator and the man smiles. He jolts it causing me to fall onto Levi and he hugs me before smiling and saying 'hi'. I feel my heart beat pick up and we start to stare into each others eyes. Levi smiles and says 'lets get off this escalator before we kiss haha' I agree and hop off the escalator with him.

We run around the corner and see that the room is darker than the others, but it is nice and quiet. I walk into the corner where we aren't blocking anyone's way and Levi follows me. Levi leans on the wall and I copy him. Our hands connect and we stare into each others eyes again. I start to lean in and so does Levi. Our lips connect and my arms go up and round his neck while his arms go around my waist.

Nate's POV:

I look at Drew awkwardly and ask 'how long have we been waiting for them?'. Austin says 'about 10 minutes'. Tomas says 'probably they are doing something'. Drew smiles and says 'like what?'. I look at Tomas and say 'wait, wait, wait, wait. They wont do that in a fun house'. Drew says 'plus they have only been going out for 5 days'. Tomas smiles and says 'shall we just go ahead without them, anyway they are having a date so they might want some private time'. Austin laughs and says 'ok, lets leave them to it'. Tomas smiles and says 'guys, I have a great ride we can go on'.

Britt's POV:

We have been kissing now for about 10 minutes in a kids fun house. I'm surprised no one has told us off yet or the guys have come looking for us. Me and Levi pull apart and I realise that I have half unbuttoned Levi's shirt without knowing. 'I'm so sorry' I say smiling and trying not to look at his chest. Levi laughs and says 'its fine, its getting warm in here anyway'. I smile and Levi says 'you're beautiful'. I look at the floor and blush. He lifts my chin up and says 'and you will always be'. Levi then reconnects our lips and I kiss back immediately. He then pulls apart and says 'I think someone is staring at us.

We look to the side and see a young boy staring at us with a shocked look on his face. 'Erm...' Levi says. 'You can run along if you want'. The boy jumps up and down and says 'you're Levi from The Tide, my big sister loves you!'. Levi laughs and says 'tell her I said hi'. He smiles and says 'ok, bye!' and runs off.

Levi looks at me and says 'that was awkward, how long do you think he was standing there?' I smile and say 'I don't think that long'. Levi smiles and says 'guess what?'. 'What?' I ask and Levi reconnects our lips again.

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