Chapter 22 - Tears Of Joy

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Britt's POV:

'Hi Britt' Levi says and I smile. Levi looks at me and says 'you look lovely'. I look at myself and smile. 'Thank you, you too' I say nervously. He smiles and I smile back. 'What would you like to drink?' Levi asks. I think about it and say 'can I have a skinny vanilla hot chocolate please?'. Levi smiles and says 'yep, I'll go and order it for us'. I smile and say 'thank you'.

Levi hops up and heads to the counter. On the way there, he gets stopped by a girl who looks about 9 and she asks for a quick selfie and I smile as he agrees and takes a selfie. As he heads up to the desk, my phone vibrates and I pull it out my pocket and see its a text from my mum saying 'good luck'. I smile and put my phone away.

As I smile at Levi, he smiles back and the same little girl comes over to me and asks 'excuse me, are you Brittany?'. I smile and say 'hello, yes I am'. She nervously looks at the floor and asks 'could I have a picture with you please?'. I smile and say 'sure'. As she pulls her phone out, we take one serious and one silly selfie.

She says thank you and goes to sit back down, her mother then mouths to me 'thank you soo much' and she smiles at me. I smile back and mouth 'you're welcome'.

Levi then walks back over and says 'she was soo sweet when she asked me for a selfie, she tapped my arm and asked if she could have a selfie'. I smile and say 'she did that to me too, except she tapped my shoulder'. Levi smiles and places my skinny vanilla hot chocolate onto the table. 'Thank you' I say. Levi places his drink down and says 'guess what I've got'. I smile and say 'coffee?'. He smiles and says 'how did you know?'. I giggle a little and say because you put up morning coffee selfies'. He smiles and then says 'I have forgot to do that for a while now'. I smile and nod my head before sipping my drink.

Levi then says 'so, how have you been since we last saw each other?'. I smile and say 'fun and awkward'. Levi smiles and says 'why awkward?'. I smile and say 'its weird getting tweeted by quite a lot people who I've never seen before and there is this guy called Lucas who I keep bumping in to'. Levi smiles and says 'oh yes, Lucas. I've seen him tweet you a lot. I thought you 2 were dating'. I sigh and say 'that's what a lot of people on Twitter think, we aren't really'. Levi then laughs and says 'it must be because of the pictures of you 2 hugging and kissing'. I awkwardly laugh and say 'he technically kissed me, he asked for a selfie, then a hug. Then it got awkwardly silent and he just kissed me. After I just told him that I don't really know him so I don't think a relationship with him would work'. Levi then smiles and says 'oh, we'll have to clear them rumours then'. I smile and say 'how are we going to do that?'.

Levi smiles and says 'close your eyes'. I look at him confused and he says 'please'. I smile and close my eyes. I hear him fidgeting in his seat and then he sits still. He then places something in my hand and he says 'you can open your eyes now'. As I open my eyes, I see a silver bracelet that has 7 pink hearts either side of 2 larger hearts which are a lighter pinker colour (Image attached). I smile and say 'Levi?'. He looks at me and says 'Brittany, I have loved you ever since I met you on Friday 8th May 2015. Ever since I saw you for the first time, I knew I had to get you somehow as my heart ached for you. When I saw Lucas with you, I thought I'd never be with you. But when I knew that you and Lucas weren't dating, I felt like I had been given a chance to be with you, and that's why I ask this one question. You can say yes, and you can say no and I hope that we will still be friends'. Levi smiles.

I smile and feel tears threatening my eyes. Levi then says 'sorry, have I upset you?'. I shake my head and say 'Levi you silly boy, they are tears of joy'. He smiles and says 'so that's a.....' 'Yes' I say laughing and smiling. Levi stands up and hugs me. Everyone cheers and claps for what just happened and I bury my head into Levi's chest and I hear him chuckle and say 'I love you Britt'. I slide my bracelet on and say 'I love you too Levi'. Levi chuckles and says 'I think our drinks have gone cold'. I smile and say 'I think they have haha'.

Levi and me pull out of our hug and Levi says 'shall we leave our drinks?'. I smile and say 'but that means we have to go'. Levi smiles and says 'I can get Waddy or one of the boys to take us up to a park or something'. Our hands connect and I say 'I'd love to do that'.

Levi pulls out his phone and says 'I'll ring them and ask'. I smile as I pick up my phone and text my mum about what's happening. I look at Levi and he pulls a funny face at me making me chuckle a little. Levi then puts the phone down and says 'shall we go shopping for a bit as they won't be here for like half an hour?'. I smile and nod. Levi holds my hand and I smile as Levi says 'where would you like to go?'. I think and choose wisely. 'How about Claires?'. Levi smiles and says 'I'll follow you as I don't know where that is haha'. I smile and lead the way.

As we exit Starbucks, I feel myself starting to skip slowly and Levi starts to join in. We skip for about 10 seconds until we look at each other and burst into laughter. As we stop laughing, we carry on walking until we reach Claires. We head inside and Levi says 'if you want anything, let me know and I'll buy it you'. I smile and say 'Levi, its ok thanks but.....' Levi smiles and says 'Britt, sorry to interrupt, but I would like to buy it for you'. I smile and say 'ok, thank you'. We hug again and Levi says 'I love you Britt'. I smile and respond with 'I love you Levi'. We both don't stop hugging until someone clears their throat and Levi and myself turn our heads to the side to see........

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