Chapter 46 - Fixing A Friendship

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Joe's POV:

I sigh and say 'fine, we'll do it tomorrow night after the party'. Waddy looks at me with a confused expression 'party?'. I stand up annoyed 'just be there'. I turn away and walk out getting confused looks from everyone. I don't know why I felt so annoyed. I close the door behind me. I am seriously rethinking my careers path. Sometimes this job can be too annoying with all the questions and too annoying with all the people. Don't get me wrong, some people I like in there like Austin and Logan as they haven't annoyed me yet.

I sigh and head to mine and Waddy's room. I'm happy he apologised, I'm just annoyed that we keep having to talk to each other about things. Cant we just talk like normal people like we used to?

Tomas' POV:

As me and Nate get back to Austin, Logan and Drew we see them smiling and laughing. 'What's up?' Nate asks and Drew says 'I showed them our old vine we did when I whacked you in the...'. Nate laughs and says 'you don't have to say that word'. I shake my head 'guess what Joe said'. Austin smiles and asks 'yes?'. Me and Nate both nod and jump up and down with excitement. 'When is it?' Drew asks. 'Tomorrow' Nate says smiling and Drew nods.

Austin then stands up and says 'I'm hungry, does anyone else want food?'. We all nod and I say 'will we be allowed to leave?'. Austin nods and says 'yep, this whole thing with Levi and the girl is over now'. I smile and nod 'yeah, sorry about that'. Drew rolls his eyes 'its fine, its over now anyway'. I smile and nod. 'So, who's going to ask if we can leave?' Nate asks and we all look at Austin. Austin rolls his eyes 'yes, yes. It was my idea, I'll ask' Austin then heads off to find Joe, Waddy, Dean or Davey.

Levi's POV:

Davey smiles and says 'ok Levi, I'll take you but if I get in trouble then you have to take the blame, deal?'. I take a deep breath 'deal'. I think my career is on the line right now, I am getting stitches behind Joe's back just so he doesn't sue the hospital. 'Levi?' Davey asks and I smile 'you ok?'. I smile and nod my head 'yeah, sorry I was just thinking'. Davey crosses his arms and asks 'what about?'. I shrug 'just getting stitches and doing it behind Joe's back'. Davey smiles 'like I said, its up to you'. I nod. 'Thank you, we'll go tonight when everyone is asleep'. Davey nods.

I head back to tell Britt the good news. I walk up to Britt to see that she is on her phone and I smile when she looks at me. I sit down next to her 'what's happening then?' she whispers. I smile 'Davey has offered to take me'. Britt smiles 'when are you going then?'. I sigh 'tonight when everyone is asleep'. Britt's smile falls a little 'oh, ok'. 'What's wrong?' I ask. She smiles and says 'oh, nothing. don't worry'. I sigh 'is it because you'll be on your own?'. She smiles and nods slowly 'sorry'. I smile 'its ok, we can FaceTime if you like?'. She smiles and nods 'that'll be ok'. I smile 'but if Joe knocks on the door, end the call quickly even if were in the middle of a conversation'. She smiles and giggles a little 'ok, I'll just tell him you've gone outside for a little bit of fresh air'. I smile 'that sounds like a perfect excuse'. She smiles and I kiss her cheeks.

Waddy's POV:

Austin, Drew, Nate, Logan and Tomas all approach me and smile awkwardly. I roll my eyes and wait for one of them to speak but none do. 'What's up?' I ask. They all look at Austin and he nods. 'Can we go and get some food please?' Austin asks. I sigh 'I suppose, but me or Dean will have to go with you'. Dean looks at me and I roll my eyes 'I'm already in trouble and you arent'. Dean laughs 'I don't want to be in trouble'. 'I'm 19, I can look after them' Austin speaks up. I think about it, I guess I could let them wander off on their own. 'You can only go without one of us if you text us where your going if you go to different places'. Austin nods and says 'I'll be the one to do that'.

As Austin, Drew, Nate, Logan and Tomas leave the room. I look over and see Davey talking to Britt and Levi, Dean sitting next to me and I hear Joe in the other room. Finally a little bit of piece and quiet. 'Waddy?' I hear and I look over to the door and see Joe standing there. I roll my eyes and walk over to him.

Joe's POV:

I sigh as Waddy walks over to me 'I need to speak to you privately'. Waddy crosses his arms and says 'why cant people just talk in front of other people for once instead of talking privately all the time?' Waddy asks. I roll my eyes 'not now Waddy, I just need to talk'. Waddy smiles 'talk here then'. I roll my eyes 'Waddy, your being an idiot right now'. Waddy laughs 'have you ever heard the saying treat people how you would like to be treated?'. I nod, 'well this is how you treat me and I'm sick of it'. 'Waddy, just stop it' Dean shouts to Waddy. I look at Dean and smile. Waddy takes a deep breath 'fine, lets talk privately'. I smile and mouth a 'thank you' to Dean and he nods his head.

As me and Waddy walk into our room, I ask 'Waddy, I'm sick of this'. He laughs 'I know the feeling'. 'No, I meant not being able to talk to each other properly without shouting at one and other' I say. Waddy crosses his arms 'well maybe you should've thought about that before you shouted at everyone'. I roll my eyes 'have you ever heard the saying everyone is different?'. Waddy looks at me and rolls his eyes 'here we go'. I laugh 'a kid called Andy taught me a valuable lesson when I was at the hospital with Levi and Britt. He taught me that if I be myself then my true friends will stay with me and the others will leave me and I'm starting to think that you are part of the others. If you do not like my personality or the way I act, then you can stuff our friendship where the sun don't shine. I cared about our friendship, I was being myself and you were just being a jerk back to me. The only reason I wanted to speak to you again was to see if I could get my friend back. But if you don't care, then tomorrow after our meeting is the last time I'm going to talk to you'. Waddy looks a little shocked at me.

'Joe?' he asks. I look at him and he sighs. 'I thought you were just being mean to me and just bossing me about'. I roll my eyes '1 I am your boss and 2 I do it to everyone'. Waddy looks at the floor ashamed 'I'm sorry Joe'. 'Waddy, its been a long day. How about we both just sleep and talk about this tomorrow'. Waddy looks at the floor and nods.

It is awkwardly quiet getting into bed, no one saying goodnight and no one knocking on our door asking if we were ok. It was just plain, old quiet.

Dean's POV:

Me, Levi, Davey and Britt sit in awkward silence as we hear shouting coming from Joe's and Waddy's room. 'I'm just going to text Austin and let him know to text me if he needs anything and not Waddy'. Davey nods and asks 'why, where are they?'. 'They have gone somewhere to get something to eat' I say. 'Can we go somewhere as I cant take this shouting anymore' Britt asks and Levi looks at me and I nod. 'I tell you what, I'll leave them a note saying we have gone out' I say and they all nod.

Levi's POV:

As Dean heads into the kitchen, Britt whispers 'when are you going?'. I look at the clock 'we'll leave soon, its just we need to be careful because of Dean now'. Britt nods and Davey smiles 'me and you can leave when we get back to our hotel rooms'. Britt and I nod. 'That way I can make sure that you are comfy before I leave' I say smiling at Britt and she smiles back. 'Are you ready to go out?' Dean asks and me, Britt and Davey nod before Davey winks at me.

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