Chapter 13 - A Morning Surprise

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Tomas' POV:

As I yawn and open my eyes, I see the beautiful ceiling. I use my right foot and touch the radiator and it is cold. I sigh and lean up and lift the curtains up and flinch quickly as the bright light shines into my eyes.

I lean back onto my bed and swing one of my arms onto the floor and lift my iPad up. It reads 10:34 am. I have actually woken up late for once.

As I lean back onto my bed, I smile as I remembered last night fully. I remember seeing The Tide playing and singing 3 of their own songs, Union J singing their own songs especially one of my favourites, Central Park, Luke Friend singing 2 songs mixed together and The Vamps rocking the show.

I yawn again and look at my iPad and notice that The Vamps have tweeted and I smile at what they have just tweeted. I pick up my phone and unlock it, opening up iMessage as quick as possible and sending Britt a message. I wait for a few minutes and then I send her another message.

Britt's POV:

As I'm getting dressed, I hear my phone buzz and I smile and carry on getting dressed. I had a great dream last night involving Levi again. It involved me backstage at their show and then Levi comes back and hugs me. He then smiles and we snuggle up on a chair. I won't go into full detail. My phone then buzzes again, this is the third time it has gone off now. If its Drew trying to wake me up, he's failing.

I switch my phones screen on and see that Tomas has sent me 3 messages. Knowing Tomas, it'll probably be about something silly. The first text says:

'Hi! Check Twitter'

The next one says:


The final one says:

'Tweet Tweet'.

I roll my eyes and check Twitter. As I'm scrolling down, the first tweet I come across is Drew posting a selfie, then its Austin tweeting thank you for an amazing time last night, then its The Tide's band account retweeting a picture that a fan took last night, then its a tweet from The Vamps. I freeze as I read the text.

I smile and put my phone down and jump up and down on the spot silently screaming with joy. I didn't want to wake my dad and step-mum, so I did this all silently. I then looked at my phone again and made sure that I read the tweet right. I see that I read it right and jump up and down again. I then load up my messages and reply to Tomas saying:

'Hi! I just saw the tweet! I Can't believe it!'.

I look back at the tweet and it says:

'Morning Vamily! Great news for Brittany! The Tide would like to meet you again! Keep an eye on your DM's and you'll soon be updated with details!'.

I smile and see that Tomas has replied. I open up the message and Tomas replied with:

'Your sooooo lucky!'.

I smile and remember that me and The Tide were all talking about this last night. So I kinda knew about it. But it surprised me that The Vamps would tweet about it haha. I guess The Vamps and The Tide talk to each other about anything though.

Levi's POV:

As I'm laying in bed, Nate comes walking in on his phone and says 'guess what Levi?'. I stretch and reply 'what's up Nate?'. Nate throws his phone onto the bed next to me and I pick it up to see a tweet from The Vamps. I read the tweet and say 'I wonder who tweeted that, Britt technically already knows haha'. Nate then laughs and sits on the edge of the bed and says 'I think it was James'. I smile and put Nates phone down on the pillow beside my head.

I then take the chance to playfully push Nate off the bed with my feet and I hear a thump as he hits the floor. I laugh out loud and hear Nate say 'that was mean'. I laugh even more. 'Morning' Austin says as he enters. 'Morning Austin' me and Nate both say. Nate then stands up and gives me the evils.

Austin laughs awkwardly and asks 'what's happened here?'. Nate says 'I came in, showed Levi a tweet and got kicked off the edge of the bed'. Austin then burst into laughter and I find myself laughing along with him.

Drew's POV:

As I wake up, I hear the others laughing and I stretch on the bed. I look at my phone and sigh. I feel bad. I know Levi fancies Britt, but I can't help feel a little jealous. I kinda fancy Britt too, I know I shouldn't as I would upset Levi, but I can't help it. That's why I was texting Britt last night, because I have feelings for her. But I feel as though I can't tell Levi, but should I?

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