Chapter 17 - The Phone Call

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Britt's POV:

As I enter the living room again, I see my phone constantly vibrating on the table and I approach it and see someone is calling. I'm surprised to see who that someone was. It was Drew. I lifted the phone and answered the call and I hear Drew say 'Hi Britt, can I talk to you about something private?'. I quickly reply with 'yeah sure, let me just go somewhere private'. Drew then says 'ok'.

As I enter my room, I close the door and sit on my bed. I put the phone to my ear again and say 'hello? you still there?'. Drew then laughs and says 'I'm still here don't worry'. He sounds like hes worried about something and I panic, has something bad happened?

I then say to Drew 'whats up?'. I hear him sigh down the phone and he says 'you promise you wont be mad or tell anyone else, you cant tell the others either'. I say 'when you say others, do you mean The Tide?'. He quickly replies with 'yes'.

I then promise not to tell anyone and keep it between me and him. Drew says 'ok, well I kinda fancy you. But here's the thing. So does Levi and I don't want to fall out with him. So I just want you to keep that between us. As much as I want to, I don't want the guys to know'. I stand there shocked, Levi fancies me. I then stutter down the phone 'L-L-Levi fancies m-me?'. Drew then chuckles a little and says 'yes, and I know you fancy him too'.

I stand there in shock. 'How do you know I fancy him too?' I ask. Drew says 'the way you two were acting when you met us all. You two seemed like you knew each other for years'. I smile to myself and say 'how do I know your telling the truth?'. Drew then says 'because I was the one who persuaded Levi to hang out with you, he was too nervous to ask at first'. I smile again 'really? thank you soo much Drew'. I hear him laugh silently and say 'its ok, but promise me you wont tell anyone?'. I smile and say 'I promise'.

As me and Drew say goodbye to each other over the phone, I put the phone down and lie back on my bed constantly saying to myself 'Levi fancies me'.

Tomas' POV:

As I'm on my laptop, I decide to check Twitter on the laptop for once instead of on my phone. As it loads up, it asks me for my password and I stop to think. I wish I wrote it down somewhere. After thinking and attempting 2 times, I finally get it right.

As I check that all The Tide are still following me, I load up Levi's page and see that he last tweeted about 20 minutes ago and it says 'getting a Starbucks soon with someone...........'. I smile and say 'I know who that someone is, but I don't think its my place to tweet a response'. My brother then walks into my room and asks 'Tomas what are you doing?'. I sigh and say 'I'm sleeping, what do you think?'. My brother laughs sarcastically and says 'goodbye stupid brother'. I wave goodbye and pull a silly face at him.

As he leaves, I shout through the walls 'why did you come in here?'. My brother then asks 'I was just checking to see if you were ok'. I say 'thanks'. That was nice of him.

As I scroll through Twitter, I see Brittany has tweeted about all the people sending her kind tweets. I have to admit, some of the tweets were really sweet. One of the tweets once said 'Hi Britt, your so sweet and kind, I hope I can meet you on day'. Another said 'Britt is so cool, I hope we can be friends one day'. Britt replied to both of them tweets.

As I carry on scrolling through the tweets, I see Austin has also tweeted and it says 'Selfie War!' and me and Nate have been added in as well as a picture has been attached, as I load up the tweet I see mine and Nates chat history of all the selfies we sent each other.

I decided to reply over Twitter with 'Heeeeeeeeeey, that's rude. You could've chosen one of the better selfies haha'. I smile and put my phone down and now Nate has replied to my tweet saying 'I think this one looks fine actually haha'. I then look at mine and Nates chat and find a funny selfie that Nate sent me, then I find one that Austin sent me off Nates DM and I reply to Nates tweet with 'two can play at that game @thetidenate & @thetideaustin' then i place the 2 selfies of Nate and Austin in and post it.

I place my phone down and wait for a reply. My phone then vibrates and I see that Britt has replied to my tweet now with 4 laughing emoji's and 'you guys are mad haha'. I then respond to Britts tweet with a simple 'thanks'.

I think I have started a selfie war now with Nate and Austin. Oops.

Britt's POV:

As I put my phone down after responding to Nate, Austin and Tomas, I decide to go down stairs now and see that my mum is putting her coat on. 'Where are you going mum?' I ask. My mum smiles and says 'I'm just going to the shops, wanna come?'. I smile and say 'sure'.

As I get my shoes and coat on, me and my mum leave the house and head out to the car. As we get to the car, I hear someone say 'Britt, is that you?'. I turn around and see the blonde haired boy again from the shops and I say 'hello again, you ok?'. He smiles and says 'yep, you never got to know my name last time, I'm Lucas'. I say 'Hi Lucas, what are you doing here?'. He smiles and says 'I live here, well round the corner, but I'm going to my mates house. Do you live there?'. I look at my house, the one he was pointing at and say 'oh, yes I do'. He smiles and says 'can I have another selfie before I head down to my mates?'

I think about it and my mum says 'if you want to Britt, then you can but please hurry'. I look at my mum and look back at Lucas, 'sure' I say.

As I go over to Lucas, we take a selfie and he thanks me. As I look at him and say 'your welcome' we are standing, facing each other awkwardly until my mum shouts over 'you ready Britt?'. I look at my mum and say 'I'm coming'. I look at back at Lucas and he says 'yeah um... I know, sorry to keep you'. I then smile and he asks for a hug. I hug him and as we pull apart he looks at me and I smile. His smile then fades away and then...

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