Chapter 9 - The Vamps

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Tomas' POV:

As me and Britt are waiting for The Vamps to come on, my phone buzzes. I look down and its a DM from Nate and I smile. I open the DM and it says:

'Sorry we didn't say hello to you as well'.

I smile and reply:

'That's ok, I waved back anyway :)'.

As I look up, someone taps me on my arm and I look to the left and see Britt smiling at me. 'Who you messaging?' Britt asks. I smile and say 'Nate'. She smiles and asks 'what you talking about?'. I smile and say 'they said sorry for not saying hello to me to'. Britt smiled and says 'oh, ok'.

As me and Britt go quiet, the lights go out again and on come The Vamps. Me and Britt are screaming our heads off like all the other Vampettes and Vampers in the building. The Vamps start to perform and me and Britt are singing along to Hurricane.

Britt's POV:

As me and Tomas were singing along to Hurricane, I looked over to the left of the stage and saw James McVey. I used to fancy him a lot, I still do, but then Levi came along. Levi is just amazing.

As Hurricane comes to an end, they start to sing Somebody To You and everyone sings along. When it comes to the second verse, everyone notices Austin emerge from the back and sing along with Brad. I am literally shocked. Tomas then taps my shoulder and I look at him and he is literally smiling from ear to ear like I am. Austin is Tomas' second favourite from The Tide. His favourite from The Vamps is Connor.

Speaking of Connor here he comes, I hear an extremely loud scream come from Tomas' side and I am literally in shock at the pitch of his voice. Connor then stops and Brad comes over and they play a game where they try and get past each other. James then walks over and I scream loudly like Tomas did. James then winks and everyone on this side screams.

As the song comes to an end, Brad shouts 'thank you to Austin!'. Everyone then screams. Tristan's video then comes on.

Levi's POV:

As me and the boys are resting backstage, I feel the urge to do something and that something ended up recording a vine. As I start to record the vine, I pull a face and Nate does the same who is sitting behind me, the Austin pops his head out from behind Nate. We all start bobbing our heads and then I turn the camera to Drew who doesn't notice the vine record.

As the vine stops, me, Nate and Austin laugh and Drew looks at us and asks 'what happened?'. I laugh again and say 'we recorded a vine'. I then posted the video and Drew watched it. 'I wish you guys told me, then I would've joined in'. Austin then laughs and says 'it was kinda funny with you being oblivious of the vine happening'. Drew then smiles and says 'I suppose'.

Britt's POV:

Tristan is halfway through his drum solo. Its awesome, even Tomas thinks so. My phone then buzzes and its Levi. He DMed:

'Did you see the vine?'.

I reply:

'What vine?'.

Levi replies:

'Of me and the boys'.

I smile and reply:

'Not yet haha'.

Tristan's drum solo then comes to an end. Me and Tomas start to clap and cheer for Tristan. He's an amazing drummer. As Tristan is lowered to the floor, The Vamps start to perform again. They are now performing Uptown Funk and on the first chorus, a few people come out dressed in costumes of people from disco times and me and Tomas laugh at The Vamps unexpected expressions.

Tomas then laughs and I notice him start to take pictures and I do the same thing, this is a once in a lifetime experience as every concert is different. I take a few pictures, mainly of James, but of all the others too. As they carry on singing, they transform the song into Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. It was very catchy.

As they come to an end, everyone cheers and on comes Connors video and I nudge Tomas and he smiles.

Drew's POV:

As The Vamps head backstage, I ask Connor 'are you ready?'. He smiles and says 'always'. As his video comes to an end, Connor goes rushing out and I hear the crowd go wild for him. I hope one day, the boys and I will host our own concert and the crowd will go wild for us.

Tomas' POV:

I smile as Connor comes running out. He starts to sing a song that I have never heard before, but his voice is amazing and I lift my arms up and sway them in time with the music. Britt's arms then go up and she does the same as I do. Connor's voice is amazing. As Connor is performing, a whole lot of people come out in costumes that seem to resemble Star Wars. There was Luke Friend, The Tide and other crew members all dressed and happily enjoying themselves. As the song comes to an end, I cheer as loud as I can.

Britt's POV:

I think Tomas really enjoyed Connor's performance. His smile was massive, literally, after Connor performed. That means its just James' and Brad's video left. I wonder who's will be next. The Vamps then start to perform She Was The One. I start to sing along and I notice that James is coming over to this side again and I take this opportunity to wave at him and hope he waves back. Sadly he doesn't wave, but I'm happy that The Tide waved at me earlier.

As they come to an end, James' video comes on and I smile. I listen to the video and I love every second of the video including the appearance of Mickey. He's so cute. A video of James when he was younger appears on the screen of him performing Move My Way. Everyone screams.

The video then goes off and out comes James. He starts to perform Move My Way and he does it to perfection. I sing along and James' face is glowing with happiness as he loves their fans soo much and this was his dream.

As James is performing, 6 people wearing hippo costumes come out and start dancing. I notice that The Tide, Luke Friend and crew member are the people dressed up. I laugh as James says whilst singing 'I have no idea whats happening'. As James finishes the song, everyone cheers and they move onto the next song which is Fall.

Once they start performing, I see James walking this way again and he waves and everyone waves back. I bet everyone is secretly thinking that the wave was for them. Once they finish the song, they all head off and on comes Brad's video.

Levi's POV:

As The Vamps come running off the stage, we all have a laugh with them about the hippo costumes and James was genuinely surprised. He was completely shocked. James then says 'we should've seen that one coming'.

Britt's POV:

As Brad's video comes to an end, everyone cheers as they see Brad on a piano. He starts to play and everyone recognises Another World. We all start to sing along and sway our arms from left to right. As the song comes to an end, The Vamps start to perform their final song which is Risk It All. We all sing along and enjoy the final few minutes of the show, before the run off and say goodbye.

As we are standing up getting ready to exit. Tomas says 'am I waiting in the arena for you or am I waiting somewhere else?'. I shrug my shoulders and say 'I don't actually know'.

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