Chapter 21 - Starbucks Time

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Britt's POV:

As I start to sing the chorus of The Tide's acoustic version of Falling In Love, I see my phone vibrates and I see that someone has tweeted me. I unlock my phone and I see that its Lucas. I roll my eyes and read the tweet. It says 'good luck today Britt'. How does he know about today? I thought only Tomas, my mum and The Tide knew. Unless Tomas or my mum told someone and they passed it on.

I decide to reply to the tweet with 'what do you mean?'. I read the time, which says 9:42am, and then close my phone. 'Mum?' I ask and my mum looks at me and smiles. 'Did you tell anyone about me and Levi going to Starbucks?'. My mum shakes her head and says 'no, why?'. I shake my head and say 'because that boy called Lucas knows where I'm going today'. My mu looks at me confused and says 'strange, who else knows?'. I think deeply and still only Tomas and The Tide pop into my head. 'Just Tomas and The Tide do'. 'I don't think Tom would've told anyone, unless one of The Tide told someone'. I nod. 'Probably' I say.

As I lean back on the chair, my phone vibrates again and I sit up to see that Lucas has replied to my tweet. He just replied 'Starbucks......'. I reply with 'and.......'. I then put my phone down and sigh. Then I get a good idea to pass the time. I think I'm gonna go and listen to The Tide again. I smile at my mum and say 'I'm going to listen to The Tide'. My mum then nods and I head upstairs.

Levi's POV:

Me, Nate and Drew are currently sitting on the chair and I am still waiting for Austin to come out the shower. Its 9:49am and hes been in there for like half an hour now. Just then I hear the bathroom door unlock and I smile before saying 'shower time'. Nate then asks 'can I use the toilet before you go?'. I sigh and say 'you have 5 minutes at the max'. Nate smiles and rushes upstairs. I look at Drew and say 'you ok?'. Drew smiles and says 'yes, why?'. I smile before saying 'you looked a little down'. Drew smiles and says 'oh, well I'm ok thanks'.

As Austin comes down the stairs, he says 'Levi, Nate is on the toilet so you may have to wait'. I smile and say 'I know'. Drew then says 'guys, everyone knows who Levi is going with'. Drew shows me the phone and everyone has tagged Britt into my tweet. I wonder how everyone found out, all I wanted was to meet Britt and it not to be crowded with fans. I just want to have a nice conversation with Britt. Drew looks at me and asks 'do they know where your going?'. I shake my head before saying 'no, I don't think so'. Drew smiles and says 'that's good'.

I hear the toilet flush and I smile before saying 'bath time'. Drew smiles and says 'I thought you were having a shower?'. I stop and think, I say 'I'll decide when I get in the bathroom'.

Britt's POV:

I finish listening to Stitches again and choose The Tide's first ever cover, She Looks So Perfect. I smile and quietly sing along. I sing along until Levi sings the second verse and I feel myself smile. Levi makes me smile in every song he sings.

After listening to their covers for a while, I look at my phone and see that it reads 11:10am and I smile and turn my laptop off before heading downstairs.

'Mum, its almost time to go' I smile. My mum stands up and says 'ok then, I'll take you up their at half 11'. I smile and decide to charge my phone up ready. I then decide to brush my hair again to make sure that it looks ok. After brushing my hair, I sit down on the chair and ask my mum what the time is, my mum says 'its about 11:15'. I smile, just 15 more minutes left. I'm a little nervous, but I know that I'll be ok.

Levi's POV:

I am currently sitting in the back of the car which is being driven by Waddy. In the front with Waddy is Austin, then Nate and Drew are in the middle and I'm in the very back on my own. They have put me here so that they don't accidentally mess my hair up or ruin my clothes as they want me to look neat for Brittany.

I am looking out the window and look at my phone, it says 11:18am. I think I might get there too early. At least if I do, then I can get us a seat and wait for a bit. I'm not sure what I'm going to get from Starbucks, probably a coffee. Yeah, a coffee sounds nice.

As we are heading to Starbucks, the car ride is a little quiet. Quieter than usual. Well, Austin is talking to Waddy, Drew is nodding off and Nate is playing on his phone. Whereas I'm looking out the window watching all the buildings go by. I feel my phone vibrate and I see that Britt has texted me, it says 'Hey, I cant wait to see you today'. I smile and respond back 'I cant wait to see you too!'.

I smile and put my phone on the seat next to me. As the car slows down, my phone slides off the seat and onto the floor. Uh oh, its slid under Nate. I decide to slide my arm under the chair and try and reach it, but I can't feel it. I tap Nate on the shoulder and he looks at me. 'My phone has gone under your chair, can you get it please'. Nate bends down and picks it up and I notice I forgot to lock my phone.

Nate smiles at me and says 'I'm just gonna...'. Nate loads up the messages and loads up Britt's messages. He types 'Britt, I love you. I need to confess this'. I smile and say 'Nate, I said I'm going to say it to Britt face-to-face'. Nate just carries on smiling and his finger gets closer to the send button. I smile and say 'send it if you want, I don't mind'. Nate stops smiling and says 'but I thought I was tormenting you'. I smile and say 'I'm not hiding my love for Britt anymore'.

Nate smiles and says 'Woo! you confessed your love for Brittany'. Drew turns around and smiles before saying 'I knew that you loved Britt'. Austin turns around and says 'congratulations'. I smile and we pull up to the potteries centre. Waddy then says 'do you need help finding your way around?'. 'I think I might need help finding Starbucks, that's it'. Waddy then smiles and says 'I'll take you in and drop you off'.

I smile and hop out of the car.

Britt's POV:

I rush out to the car, its 11:36 and I should've left 6 minutes ago. I hop in the car and place my phone, tissue and money in my handbag. I lie my head back on the head rest and take a deep breath. We are making our way to the potteries centre. Its not that far away, but I hope that I don't get there too early. I then get a text from Levi saying that he's there. 'Levi's already there' I say to my mum. My mum smiles and says 'dont worry, its only 11:44am and you don't need to be there by 12'. I smile and say 'but Levi's waiting'.

My mum smiles and she pulls up to the potteries centre and I smile at my mum. I then say goodbye to my mum and rush inside. I make my way up to Starbucks and text Levi letting him know that I'm literally just round the corner.

I smile as I approach Starbucks and see Levi sitting down waiting for me. I enter and he sees me. We both smile at each other and I sit down opposite him and Levi says 'Hi Britt'.

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