Chapter 28 - Drew's Drama Begins

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Britt's POV:

'Britt?' the voice asked me. It wasn't my mums, even though my mum was meant to be down here asleep on that chair. 'Drew?' I ask nervously and he doesn't reply. 'You ok?' I ask. I hear him sniffle and my mum walks in with a drink for Drew. 'Hi Britt, what you doing up soo early?' my mum asks. 'I needed the toilet' I say and I look at Drew. 'Drew, what's up?' I ask again. He doesn't reply. 'Shall I turn the light on for you guys?' I smile at my mum and say 'please'. My mum stands up and turns the light on causing me and Drew to flinch and look at the floor. My mum smiles and says 'I'll go and wait in your room Drew if you guys want to chat privately'. I smile and nod at my mum. My mum heads upstairs.

I sit down next to Drew and he wipes some tears away. 'Sorry' he says before putting his drink down. 'Its ok, what's up Drew. Please tell me'. He sighs and says 'but its stupid and you will tell me to grow up'. I roll my eyes and say 'no I wont, I will just tell you the truth'. He sighs and says 'ok, I'll tell you'. I look at him and smile.

He stays quiet for about a minute and I ask 'Drew?'. He looks at me and tears form in his eyes again. 'Britt, I love you and I cant help feel a little jealous of you and Levi'. I roll my eyes. 'see, you think its stupid don't you?' he says. 'Drew, did I say that?' I ask him. He shakes his head. 'Drew, you cant help it ok. I understand that and so does Levi. We both understand that you'll feel a little jealous'. He sighs and says 'but should I feel jealous even though he is one of my best friends?'. 'No' I say 'you cant help feel jealous'.

He sighs quietly, but I still hear him. 'I thought you needed the toilet anyway' he says. 'You cant get rid of me that easily Drew' I laugh. Drew says 'sorry'. I sigh 'Drew, stop saying sorry'. 'Sorry' he says again. I just stare at him and he looks at the floor nervously.

'Does Levi hate me?' he asks. 'Are you serious?' I ask him. 'Drew, I mean this in the nicest way, but grow up. Of course he doesn't hate you. Why would he hate you?'. Drew looks at me and says 'because I'm just jealous of you 2. I shouldn't be'. I roll my eyes.

Levi's POV:

I wake up and feel the left half of my body cold. I open my eyes and see Britt has gone. I sit up and wait for her, maybe she has gone to the toilet. I look at my phone and see that Nate has tweeted about 10 minutes ago. He tweeted 'can't sleep, tweet spree!'. I roll my eyes and DM him 'are you ok?'. I put my phone down and see that Britt has left her phone in the room, that means that Britt should be up soon then.

I get a DM back from Nate saying that he cant sleep and I reply with 'same'. I look around her room and smile as I see McBusted, Union J and The Vamps posters. I then notice on her desk that she has the signed sheet that I signed a while ago for her. I smile and remember the time. She looked soo cute and nervous.

I then hear talking downstairs as it goes quiet. It sounds like Britt and someone else. I decide to get up and see if Britt's ok. As I am walking down the stairs, I hear Britt and Drew's voice. I decide to wait and listen for a little bit, even though that might be a bit naughty.

Britt's POV:

'Will he hate me if I talk to him about this?' Drew asks. 'No, I'm sure he'll understand and you 2 can try and work something out together'. Drew sighs and says 'are you sure?'. 'Yes, I am' I say. Drew starts to sniffle again and I roll my eyes. 'Do you want a hug?' I ask nervously and he laughs and says 'I don't know'. 'A quick one then?'. He laughs and I hug him.

Levi's POV:

I don't know what they are on about, but they are trying to keep it from me. I don't know whether to peep or not. I peep my head round the door and I see them hugging. I feel my eyes watering a little, Drew said that he fancies Britt and I just hope that they aren't having a secret relationship. If they are I don't know what I'd do.

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