Chapter 8 - Luke Friend, The Tide & Union J

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Britt's POV:

I cant wait for the concert to start and end. I cant wait for it to start as I'll be seeing Luke Friend, The Tide, Union J and The Vamps. I cant wait for it to end so that I can meet The Tide and The Vamps. This is going to be the coolest night ever.

I then feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and see Tomas constantly tapping my shoulder and he asks 'how much longer until it starts, I really cant wait'. I smile and look at my phone again. 'Its 5:52pm'. Tomas smiles and says 'does it start at 6?'. I smile and say 'I think so'. Tomas then smiles and jumps up and down a little.

As I smile at Tomas, I look back and see a full arena. I then poke Tomas and he turns around and his jaw drops again. 'You'll catch flies in a second'. Tomas then laughs and says 'but people don't stink in here, so there will be no flies'. I roll my eyes and look forward.

Before I know it, the lights go down and everyone starts to scream. I find myself screaming with them and look in surprise at Tomas is screaming like a girl. I laugh a little but then scream a little more when I see Luke Friend come running onto the stage.

I grab my phone and take the opportunity to take a photo, I see Tomas lift his phone and copy me. I roll my eyes but carry on enjoying the show. I smile as Luke starts to sing Hole In My Heart. I start to sing along and I hear Tomas attempt to sing along as he has never heard the song before. I smile, but turn my attention back to the stage.

As Luke comes to an end, he thanks the audience and we all cheer him as he heads off the stage. All the men come onto the stage and pull a black cloth down and we all cheer as we see The Tides band logo appear. I then look at Tomas and smile, but notice he is too busy staring at the stage still. I get my phone out again ready to take pictures of Levi. And the others but mainly Levi.

The Tide then run out onto the stage and everyone screams again. I get my phone out and The Tide start to sing and I feel goosebumps on my arms as their voices are amazing. Levi then starts to sing and I feel my heart melt as his voice is like an angel.

Levi then looks over to where me and Tomas are and he waves at us. Me and Tomas then look at each other and Tomas shouts 'does that deserve a high five?'. I then scream 'not right now, I'm too busy enjoying The Tide'. Tomas then laughs and looks back at The Tide. Austin then walks over to our side and he looks towards us and smiles and waves. Tomas then jumps up and down with joy and says 'just Drew and Nate left now'. I then smile and carry on watching.

After they finish singing, Austin begins to tell his story and Tomas smiles and says 'yay! story time!'. I then laugh and everyone goes quiet so that Austin can tell the story.

When Austin finishes telling the story, we hear Drew say 'I just wanna do something to a special someone in the building tonight, come on Nate, Levi and Austin, lets go over to block C and wave to a special someone'. I scream a little and Nate says 'I think she just screamed' I then laugh a little and I see Nate, Austin, Drew and Levi standing on the stage in front of me and they all wave and say 'hello Britt!'.

I feel myself blush and I look at them and take a photo of them, they see me pull my phone out and they pose. I laugh and take the picture. The Tide then start to play the next song which is their own song 'Falling In Love'.

As they start to sing, I see Levi wink at me and I blush again. But then I realise that they are saying goodbye to head backstage and I feel myself freeze as I don't want them to go. As they head off stage, I sigh and look at Tomas who says 'oh, my, god'.

Before I can reply, Tomas shouts 'look look look look'. I look up and see The Tide's logo pulled down and Union J's appearing behind it. I smile and say 'they're going to be amazing'. Tomas smiles.

As Union J come running on, Tomas screams as well as I do and looks at me happily. Union J then start to sing All About A Girl and me and Tomas sing along happily. As they come to an end, they move to the front of the stage and start to talk to the fans.

Before they sing their next song, George asks 'can you guys hold up your phone torches when we sing Sea Of Sparks?'. Everyone cheers. They then start to sing Central Park and I look at Tomas as I know that he loves this song. Everyone starts to sing along. They then come to the final verse and everyone holds up their torches as they sing.

As they come to an end, Tomas says 'Jaymi was amazing, hes my favourite'. I roll my eyes and say 'Josh is my favourite'. JJ then says 'right, we are going to do an acapella to a chosen song and that song is Everybody In Love by JLS'. Everyone cheers. 'Whos ready to sing along?' Jaymi asks and everyone cheers.

As they start to sing, everyone joins in. As they finish the chorus, everyone cheers as they say their goodbyes and Tomas looks at me and says 'I think Jaymi's voice was amazing'. I nod and say 'they were all amazing, especially Levi'. Tomas then smiles and points to the stage when we see Union J's banner pulled down to reveal The Vamps' banner.

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