Chapter 32 - Austin's X-Ray

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Joe's POV:

As I walk into the hospital, I see Waddy smiling at me and I ask 'why are you smiling Waddy?'. I look around and see no Austin, Nate, Levi and Britt. I then smile at Drew and say 'have they gone in?'. Waddy nods, the doors then open and I see Tomas walk in slowly. 'We need to keep an eye on Tomas' I say quietly and Drew and Waddy look at me confused, but nod.

Tomas then comes over and asks 'has Austin gone in?' I smile and nod at Tomas. 'What did the doctor or nurse say?' I ask. Waddy says 'well, they say that it seems like he pulled a muscle, but they just want to do an x-ray incase'. I sigh and nod my head.

Austin's POV:

I'm lying down on a hospital bed with Nate, Levi and Britt in the same area as me. 'Well, sorry about this guys' I say. Levi smiles and says 'it wasn't your fault, it was Waddy's remember'. I smile and laugh a little. 'You just smiled' Nate points out and I roll my eyes. Nate then smiles and says 'I just saw the curtains move', we all look at the closed curtain and hear a mans voice saying 'ok. we'll take him into x-ray now and check on his neck'. Nate smiles and whispers 'neck and check rhyme'. I smile and the man walks in and says 'hello there Austin, I'm Doctor Arnold and I will be helping you out today if that's ok?'. I smile and say 'that's fine'. He then walks up to me and says 'we just need to get you x-rayed though first. You 3 can come if you want to, or you can stay here'. They all smile and Levi says 'I think we'd all come with you'. I smile and say 'thank you'.

As there is an awkward silence down to the x-ray room, Doctor Arnold speaks up and says 'we are slightly worried as you have claimed that you can turn your neck well one way and it hurts the other, right?'. 'Yes, it hurts when I turn it left' I say. Doctor Arnold nods and says 'you may be a very lucky boy, you could've been paralysed'. I look at him confused and say 'just that jolt of the head could paralyse me?'. 'Did anything else happen in the car?' Doctor Arnold asks. I think deeply and remember that I smacked the left of my head on the back of the car seat. 'I just remembered that I hit the left of my head on the head rest'.

Doctor Arnold sighs and says 'basically, your neck has bones that are connected to the spine, and there are veins in your neck that connect to all parts of your body to help them to move properly. There is a slight chance that a strong jolt could cause one of the bones to move and knock the veins in your neck'. We all look at Doctor Arnold confused and Nate asks 'could you say that simple please?'. He sighs and says 'a bone in the neck almost pushed a vein out of place'. We all nod, well except me.

As we get to the x-ray room, I ask 'so wait, how could knocking a vein almost paralyse me?'. Doctor Arnold rolls his eyes and says 'if you snapped that vein, then you wouldn't be able to access that part of the body'. I then say 'oh, ok'. As I'm wheeled into the x-ray room, Nate, Levi and Britt are taken into a special room where they can watch me but not be affected by the rays. 'Please stay still' a man asks me and I lie still.

Joe's POV:

Everyone is currently on their phones 'please don't tweet or take a picture or anything about where we are, we don't need to worry the fans' I ask politely. Drew and Waddy say 'ok' and Tomas just nods. Drew then sighs and says 'are you ok Tomas, you've been like this all morning?'. Tomas looks up and smiles 'I'm just tired sorry'. Drew smiles and says 'its ok'. Waddy then looks at me confused and asks 'Joe, can I talk to you please?'. I smile and say 'yeah'. Waddy then rolls his eyes and says 'in private please'. We then head outside. When we get outside, Waddy says 'if we leave them on their own, Drew might be able to get something out of Tomas'. I roll my eyes and say 'I guess we could give it a try'.

Tomas' POV:

I awkwardly put my phone in my pocket and Drew smiles at me, I smile back. 'Tomas, since Waddy and Joe have gone to talk about something probably completely random. Would you like to talk about whatever is on your mind?'. I look at Drew nervously and shake my head 'sorry, I cant'. He looks at me confused and asks 'what do you mean you cant?'. I shake my head and say 'it doesn't matter'. Drew sighs and my phone awkwardly vibrates. 'Is it the hate your getting?' he asks. I think about my answer, I guess you could say its similar. I look at Drew and say 'kinda'. Drew smiles and says 'if you ever want to talk about something whether its the hate or something completely random, just come and talk to me ok. I need to stop being jealous of Britt and Levi. Talking to you might help me feel better as I would be able to help you'. I smile and nod. 'Thanks Drew' I say.

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