Chapter 12 - Dreaming

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Britt's POV:

As I'm walking up to the tall figure, their face becomes more clearer until they turn away and a note is left on the floor. Strange.

I couldn't quite tell who it was, but I hope it is Drew or Levi. It would be strange if it was a random person. I look down at the note and pick it up slowly. I unfold it and it is written in blue handwriting. Its not too neat or too messy, but I can read it.

It says:

'Dear Britt,

I know your secret and I know who your crush is.

Follow me if you want to know who I am.'

I sigh and look up to see him standing at the bottom of the street. I walk slowly to the bottom of the street and this street does not look familiar. As I reach the bottom, he turns away again and drops another note. I look to where he is and strangely, we are now in my street and I see my house where I live.

I look at the note on the floor and I look back up at him. I ask 'can't you just come and talk to me'. I see him shake his head in the distance.

I bend down and pick up the note. it is on a smaller piece of paper and I unfold it again.

It says:

'Dear Britt,

I know this may be spooky, but trust me. You'll like the ending.'

Ending? What's going to happen? I am so confused right now. I look up from the note and see the person is walking to my house and has dropped yet another note.

I sigh and walk to the note again and look over to my house and they are standing by the front door. I sigh and they point to the note on the floor and I say 'I know I know'.

I pick up the third note and it reads:

'Dear Britt,

If you want a clue on who I am then follow me.'

I sigh again. A clue might actually help me find out who they are. As I make my way to the front door, they open the door and head inside. I don't know how they did that even though I thought it was locked.

As I reach the door, I see he or she dropped another note and I picked it up and read it:

'Clue 1: I have an e in my name'.

I sigh, if it was someone from The Tide, it could be Drew, Levi and Nate, but its too tall to be Nate. But if it was someone from The Vamps it could just be James. So my guess is either Levi, James or Drew.

I look up and notice that I cant see them. I walk inside and close the door behind me. As I enter the kitchen, I see them in the living room leaning on the back of the chair. I look at the floor and I see yet again, another note.

I pick it up and it says:

'Clue 2: My name has 4 letters in it'.

I smile, so that makes it one step closer as its not James. So it'll either be Levi or Drew. I just hope I'm right and it is someone from The Tide.

I look up and I catch them go through the door. and hear them go up the stairs. I make my way to the chair and smile as they haven't left a note, until I go through the door and notice that there is yet again another note at the bottom of the stairs. Great.

I pick it up and it says:

'Clue 3: I'm one of your favourite members of The Tide'.

I sigh. So, still Levi or Drew. As I walk up the stairs, I see them run into my room. I get to the top of the stairs and I'm surprised to see no notes. I smile and walk to my room door and open it slowly.

As I enter my room, I see the light is off and I tread on something soft. I look down and see a black shirt on the floor, it doesn't look like my shirt. I bend down and turn the shirt over and see its an Avengers shirt. I know who has an Avengers shirt.

I look up and turn the light on to see someone without a shirt on, sitting on my bed. I smile and say 'Levi?'.

He stands up and walks up to me. I feel my breathing pick up and our eyes connect. 'Britt, I love you' Levi says. I smile and reply with 'I love you too Levi'.

Our eyes are still connected, I then notice he leans in slowly and I feel myself leaning in. Our lips are inches away until I wake up and I am face to face with my dad. Really!

'Thank god for that' my dad says. I look at him confused. 'You wouldn't wake up then and I was panicking'. I stare at him and he looks a bit frightened. 'I was having a nice dream dad and you woke me up just before something good happened'. I sigh and I look over to the side where Tomas was sitting and notice he isn't there. 'Has Tomas gone home?'. My dad nods. I sigh and say 'I feel bad for not being awake and saying goodbye'. My dad smiles and says 'he was ok with it'.

I look at my phone and notice that it has fallen out of my pocket and the third notification was a message from Drew. As I grab my phone and hop out the car, I wonder if Tomas saw my phone fall out my pocket and noticed the message from Drew.

As I get into the house, I brush my teeth and get dressed into my pyjamas. Then I head up to my room and shout down the stairs 'I'm going bed, night'. As I hop into bed, I see no more notifications. I place my phone on the floor and close my eyes and I slowly drift off to sleep again.

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