Chapter 55 - Dean's 'Big' News

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Dean's POV:

'I have some big news' I smile and Davey rolls his eyes 'what is it?'. 'Well, I was speaking to this man and we have made a meeting tomorrow and The Tide need to come along' I smile and Davey sighs again. 'What are they doing tomorrow?' he asks and I smile 'well, they might be going abroad to do a professional photoshoot'. Davey just stares at me and rolls his eyes 'I'm going to have to say no thanks'. My jaw drops 'what do you mean no?'. Davey shrugs 'its a little late to sort everything out, I even thought you would know that'. I cross my arms 'how is it?'. Davey sighs 'first of all we would need to return Britt and Tom back home, we would need to find out what would be happening in that meeting and then we would need to pack everything up early and head off, then if we do head off, we would need to get Logan back home'. I put my hand up to stop him 'cant we just take them all with us?'. Davey crosses his arms 'come on now, be smart. Tom and Britt have school still and we cant leave Logan in the UK on his own for a little bit'. I look down 'ok, I'll cancel the meeting then'. Davey pats my shoulder 'good work on finding the interview though'. I nod and walk off. 

Joe's POV:

I stand up and decide to get some fresh air, as I'm about to leave my phone starts to vibrate meaning that someone is calling. I walk over to the phone and see that its Waddy. 'Hello?' I ask once I answer the call 'listen, we need to talk this through on our own with no distractions whatsoever'. I smile 'ok, wanna meet at our hotel room?'. 'Not really, Dean or Davey are more than likely to distract us' he answers. 'Erm... what about the little coffee place just down the road from the hotel?' I ask and I wait for a second 'ok, I am already here anyway. I'll see you in a few minutes then'. I smile 'ok, speak soon'. 

Britt's POV:

As we are all nattering in mine and Levi's room, Levi smiles at me and asks 'wanna get a small something to eat?'. I think about it and nod 'I guess so, what were you thinking?'. Levi smiles 'shall we head down to that small coffee shop down the road?'. I smile and nod 'that sounds nice, just us or the others too?'. Levi smiles 'its up to you'. I shyly smile and ask 'can just me and you go?'. Levi smiles 'like a date?'. I blush and look at the floor, Levi lifts my chin up and pecks me on the lips. I smile as I hug Levi and Davey re-enters the room and says 'how sweet is #Brevi?'. I blush again and cuddle into Levi's chest. Levi chuckles 'me and Britt are going to the coffee place on our own, we'll speak to you guys later'.

As we say our goodbyes, I close the door behind me and Levi holds out his hand and I firmly hold onto his hand. I start to skip happily down the hallway until we get to the reception when Levi notices some fans in the foyer. I awkwardly smile at Levi and he says 'I might just have to go and say hello and let them know not to follow us if thats ok?'. I smile and nod 'thats fine'. 

As Levi approaches them, all the guys scream and smile for him. I hear everyone go quiet as he politely asks 'if I promise to take a selfie with some of you, do you promise not to follow me and Britt as we want to go and hang out together?'. I smile as I hear people agree with him. 

After waiting about 5 minutes, Levi makes his way back to me and says 'you ready?'. As me and Levi get to the door, we bump into Joe and he smiles 'hello, where are you 2 going?'. Levi smiles again, he is very smiley right now 'were going to the coffee place together'. Joe sighs 'please don't'. Levi crosses his arms 'why not?'. Joe sighs 'me and Waddy are going to fix our friendship and he wanted just us to be there'. Levi sighs 'where shall we go then?'. Joe smiles 'theres a Costa nearby somewhere if you wanna go there?'. Levi looks at me and I smile 'Costa sounds nice'. Levi smiles 'here we go, off to Costa'.

Tomas' POV:

As Britt and Levi leave the room, I smile and ask 'is it ok if I go and see if Austin and Nate are ok?'. Drew smiles 'sure, if you wanna come back here too, just come and knock. We should still be here'. I smile 'thank you'. As I exit the room, I make my way to my hotel room and enter the room. I enter to see Austin and Nate chilling on their phones and I creep up behind them and shout 'Boo!'. Austin jumps up and screams, but Nate throws his phone in shock. I laugh and end up tripping up my own feet and fall to the floor. As I land with a thump, Nate and Austin peer over the back of the chair and Austin asks 'you ok there?'. I calm down and nod slowly. 

Austin helps me up as Nate get his phone and asks 'so, why did you come into us?'. 'I wanted to see if you guys were ok' I smile. Nate smiles 'I'm ok thanks, so is Austin I think. Also I found out how Logan knew about your sexuality'. I laugh and say 'I think I know too'. Nate smiles 'shall we say it together?'. I shake my head 'just tell me who it was and I'll say if I guessed it right or not'. Nate nods 'it was Austin'. Tomas laughs 'I knew it'. Austin looks at the floor awkwardly 'sorry Tom'. I smile 'its ok, its helped me and Logan to become better friends I suppose'. 'How?' Nate asks and I tell them everything that happened today in the toilets.

Waddy's POV:

I sit here waiting patiently for Joe to arrive, I've been sitting here for about an hour now and I bet I seem like a tramp like this. I've only had one drink too which makes it seem even more awkward. I am snapped out of my train of thought when I see Joe enter the shop and I smile and wave signalling where I am. Joe smiles and makes his way over to me. 

As Joe sits opposite me, he asks 'so, what are we going to talk about?'. I sigh 'I guess I need to apologise for all my actions and everything I said'. Joe smiles 'I think you do'. I look at Joe and decide if he is joking or not as I cant tell with Joe anymore 'were you joking when you said that then?' I ask confused. 'Yes, I was being sarcastic and joking around' he says. 'Erm... was that sarcastic then?' I ask even more confused. 'No, I can tell this is going to be a long conversation' Joe sighs.

Drew's POV:

Theres just me, Logan and Davey left in the room now. Britt and Levi have gone on their date and Tomas has gone to hang out with Austin and Nate. I smile and look at Logan who is on his phone. 'What shall we do?' I ask annoyed. 'What do you mean?' Logan asks. 'We are just sitting here doing nothing whereas everyone else has gone off to have fun' I say stressed. 'You could always go and hang out with Nate, Austin and Tomas' Davey says. 'I might' I say standing up. 'Are you 2 staying here?' I ask and Davey nods, but Logan shakes his head 'nah, I might come too'. 'See you later then' Davey smiles and we say our goodbyes. 

I knock on the door and Austin opens the door 'hello' he says friendly. 'Hi' I say trying not to sound stressed. Austin rolls his eyes and invites us in. Tomas and Nate look towards us and smile. 'Why are you grouchy?' Nate asks and Tomas elbows Nate softly. 'What?' Nate asks and Tomas shakes his head. 'Its fine Tomas, I'm grouchy because I have realised that I am an annoying person who needs to stop being jealous' I say crossing my arms. 'Jealous?' Austin asks and I widen my eyes realising that I had just said that out loud.

Britt's POV:

I smile as I see Costa appearing in the distance 'I see it' I laugh and Levi chuckles 'I see it too, do you know what you want yet?'. I think about it as I'm walking 'I'm not sure yet'. Levi smiles. As we get to Costa, Levi holds the door open for me and I smile and say 'thank you'. 

As we get in the queue, I look at the menu at all the drinks like hot drinks, iced teas, fruit coolers and a few others. Levi smiles, knowing what he wants. But I'm not sure what I want. As we get to the front of the queue, Levi orders his drink and he looks at me and asks 'Britt, have you decided yet?'. I close my eyes and say 'please can I have......'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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