Chapter 16 - Starbucks?

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Levi's POV:

As I open my eyes, I stretch and see someone sitting on the edge of the bed. I blink and see that its Drew. He smiles and says 'morning beautiful'. I laugh and say 'morning'. He then stares at me and I look at him confused. Drew then says 'have you thought about it?'. I look at him and sigh. 'I've only just woken up Drew'. He smiles and hops off the bed and says 'well, you've got 15 minutes to think about it starting from now'. He then leaves the room.

I lay back on my bed, I'm really nervous about meeting Britt again. But Drew asked me if I wanted to meet her just on my own instead of with the boys. Its a good idea, but I don't want Britt's boyfriend to think I'm going to steal her from him. I then get an idea and wonder why I didn't think of this before. I open up Twitter and look for the picture and see the guys name and it reads Lucas. I then follow him. I see that hes already following me.

I load up my DM's and get up his name. I type the message 'hi, can I talk to you please?'. I wait for about 3 minutes and he replies with 'OMG hi! You can'. As I'm typing my message, Drew enters and says 'listen, I couldn't wait the full 15 minutes, so I thought I'd wait just 5 minutes. Do you have an answer yet?'. I look at the floor and I have a choice. I look at Drew and say 'I think I want to meet Britt on my own'. Drew smiles and says 'I'll let the boys know'.

As Drew heads out, I see the message that I have typed to Lucas and it says 'you cant tell anyone I've asked you this, ok?'. I then get an instant reply of 'I promise I wont'.

I take a deep breath and type 'are you dating Britt?'. I then wait for about 20 seconds until I get a reply which says 'do you fancy Britt? Awwwwwww'. I smile and type 'yes, you didn't answer my question'. Lucas then replies with 'Levi, I like you a lot but I think if you ask Britt yourself then I think you will feel more confident in yourself'. I then think about it, he may be right. I then thank Lucas and climb out of bed feeling full of energy.

Britt's POV:

As I yawn and wake up in my mums house, I smile and pick up my phone and see that none of The Tide have tweeted yet. I sigh and put my phone down. I then stretch and sit up and feel the cold air hit my arms. I then shiver and wrap the covers around me. I lie back and pick up my phone and load up messages. I load up Levi's messages and send him a message saying 'hi'. I put my phone down and climb out of bed and look through my drawers for clothes.

As I choose my clothes, I check my phone and see that Levi hasn't replied so I decide to take a quick shower.

As I exit the bathroom in my black Tide shirt and dark blue skinny jeans, I check my phone and see a reply from Levi, he put 'Morning, are you free tomorrow?'. I smile and text back 'I am, why?'. I smile and make my breakfast which is porridge with bananas. As I join my mum in the living room, my phone buzzes and my mum asks 'The Tide?'. I smile and say 'Levi'. I look at the text and see Levi has texted 'would you like to go to Costa, Subway, McDonalds anything?'. I smile and reply with 'Starbucks?'. I then get a reply saying 'that's fine, 12 ish?'. I smile and reply with 'that's fine too'.

I look up at my mum and ask 'can I meet Levi at Starbucks tomorrow at 12 ish?'. My mum laughs and says 'that's fine, am I dropping you off or are you taking the bus?'. I smile and say 'car please'. My mum smiles and says 'that's ok, are you going to have your porridge as its getting cold?'. I smile and start eating my breakfast.

Tomas's POV:

As I'm snoring, I feel something vibrate on my ear and it scares me awake. I look at my phone and see I still have DM's loaded up and they are too Nate. I then make myself laugh as I remember me, Nate and Austin having a Selfie-Off all night. I yawn and see that my face has typed 'dtyfgguyguftuyfu' and sent it to Nate.

I quickly type to Nate 'I'm sorry, I fell asleep and my face typed that haha'. I then get a quick reply which says 'morning, its fine haha I fell asleep too'. I smile and decide to message Britt as we haven't spoken since the concert.

I load up my messages and message Britt 'morning, how are you?'.

Britt's POV:

I see my phone vibrate on the table and see its a text from Tomas, I smile and open it. It says 'morning, how are you?'. I reply with 'my morning has been amazing thanks, how's yours been?'. I get a quick reply of 'so far its been awkwardly funny'. Awkwardly funny? 'How?' I reply. Tomas then texts me about how him and Nate stayed up having a Selfie-Off and how Austin joined in half way. Then he told me that his face accidentally typed when he fell asleep.

After Tomas has finished, I send him a message saying 'guess where I'm going tomorrow :)'. Tomas then replies with 'subway?'. I quickly reply with 'nope haha Starbucks, guess who with'. Tomas then replies with 'Levi?'. I laugh and type 'how did you know?'. He then replies with 'was I right? that was a great guess'. I then laugh at Tomas's stupidity and smile.

As I place my phone down and take my bowl into the kitchen, my mum walks in and asks 'be careful tomorrow as you never know what some fans are like just to get a selfie'. I smile and head back into the living room to seem my phone buzzing again. I see that its a call from someone and I'm surprised to see that it is...

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