Chapter 23 - Awkward Encounter

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Britt's POV:

I stood in shock and so did Levi as we both saw Lucas, his eyes were red. 'Lucas?' I ask nervously. 'B-B-Britt...' he says starting to cry, Levi looks at me confused. 'I loved you Britt'. 'I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way, I'm soo sorry' I say nervously. Levi looks at me confused again. 'I have no idea why he's here Levi'. Lucas says 'are you 2, dating?'. I look at Levi and smile a little before saying 'yes, we are'. Levi smiles a little and says 'sorry Lucas'. Lucas clenches his fists and says 'please shut it Levi, I just want to talk to Britt'. Levi nods and looks at you. Lucas says 'I only kept bumping into you, because I wanted to get to know you and become good friends with you'. I sigh and say 'Lucas, we can be good friends. How about this then, you're following me and I'm following you right?'. Lucas looks at the floor and nods. 'We can DM each other, ok?'. He looks at the floor again and nods. 'I'm sorry Britt, I'm sorry Levi'. Levi smiles and says 'thats ok, I tell you what. I'll follow you too so you can talk to me too if you want to?'. Lucas smiles a little more again and says 'really?'. Levi smiles and nods. 'Thank you soo much, I best get going sorry'. Me and Levi smile before saying goodbye to Lucas.

I look at Levi and he looks back at me awkwardly. 'So... That was a little awkward' I say. Levi smiles and says 'I think it was more than a little awkward, but that was soo sweet how you handled the situation'. I smile and blush.

As we start to look around Claires for a little bit, Levi's phone rings and he answers the phone. As Levi is on the phone, I decide to look at The Vamps merchandise. Levi heads back over to me and says 'they are here now, would you still like to go the park?'. I smile and say 'I don't mind'. Levi smiles and says 'we could go to the park, go and get something to eat, go to your house, go to the hotel me and the guys are staying at or do anything really'. I smile and think about it. 'shall we go the park for a bit and then head to my house or your hotel?'. Levi smiles and says 'sure'.

Drew's POV:

As we are sitting in the car waiting, I'm in the very back with Nate and Austin is in the front with Waddy again. We left the middle seats for Levi and Brittany so it saves people climbing in and out of the car.

As me and Nate take a selfie to put on Instgram, Austin shouts 'I see them!'. Me and Nate both quickly look out the window and see them holding hands. We all go 'awwww'. Waddy smiles and says 'they look sweet together'. Nate smiles and says 'they do'. Austin says 'they've stood still,i don't think Levi knows where we are'. Austin leans over and toots the horn about 5 times and Waddy slaps his hand saying 'naughty'. They make their way over to the car and Levi opens the door for Britt. Me, Nate and Austin all go 'awwww' again and Waddy just laughs. Britt looks confused at Waddy laughing and Waddy says 'they've said awwww about 50 times now'. Britt laughs a little and Levi climbs in the other side.

Britt's POV:

I am actually in the same car as The Tide and I am dating Levi, who else can say that? This has been an amazing day so far, I woke up happy, I had a refreshing shower, I had a yummy breakfast, Levi gave me the most beautiful bracelet ever and Levi asked me out! The only awkward thing that happened was the encounter with Lucas. Drew asks 'spill the gossip, what happened then?'. Levi smiles and looks at me. 'I got to Starbucks after Levi did, Levi went to order the drinks, Levi asked me out and I said yes'. Levi smiles. Drew says 'he's been waiting to do that ever since he met you'. I look at Levi and say 'really? awwww'. Levi smiles and blushes. Nate smiles and says 'this is too cute, we need to make a ship name and trend it on Twitter'. Levi smiles and says 'only if that's ok with Britt haha'. I smile and say 'of course its fine'. Levi smiles and says 'what ideas are there then?'. Austin smiles and says 'why don't we ask the Tiders?'. I smile and say 'I think that's a great idea'. Levi smiles and says 'me too'. Drew smiles and nods. Nate says 'but I had a good ship name'. Levi laughs and says 'what was it?'. Nate smiles and says '#brevi'. Drew smiles and says 'that sounds like a good one'. I smile and nod. Austin then says 'I thought it was good, but I think the Tiders should still decide'. We all agree, except Nate.

As we get to the park, Levi says 'we'll see you guys later'. I smile and say 'I might see you guys later'. They all say goodbye and we hop out. We walk up to the field and Levi asks 'shall we sit down or play?'. I laugh and ask 'what would we play?'. Levi smiles and says 'tag, hide and seek, sly fox. Anything really'. I stop and say 'shall we lay on the grass and play I spy?'. Levi smiles and says 'last to lay down starts the game'. Me and Levi both rush down, but Levi beats me and I say 'I spy with my little eye, something beginning with T'. Levi looks around and holds my hand at the same time. 'Tree?' he asks and I nod. Levi laughs and says 'that was easy haha'. I laugh and say 'I tried my hardest Mr Jones'. Levi laughs and says 'I spy with my little eye, something beginning with........ B'. I look around and see a dog playing with a ball 'ball?' I ask. Levi smiles and shakes his head. 'Oh, me'. Levi smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I feel my cheeks go red and Levi says 'are you blushing Brittany?'. I smile and hide my face before Levi starts tickling me. 'L-Le-Lev-Le-L-Levi S-Stop hahahaha' I laugh uncontrollably. We hear a group of girls scream and me and Levi both jump. Levi looks up and says 'hi'. I look up and see 4 girls smiling at us. 'OMG ITS LEVI JONES!' they all scream and Levi smiles. 'Can we get a picture please'. Levi smiles and the girls ask 'Britt, do you want to be in the group selfie with us all?' I look at them and smile before nodding.

Levi grabbed my hand before grabbing the phone in his other hand. He pulled his cutest smile and I followed him. He took the picture and the girls asked for a hug before they went. I rolled my eyes and smiled at their over the top behaviour. Levi and myself then say goodbye to them and Levi smiles at me. I guess this is something I'll have to get used to now that I'm dating Levi Jones.

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