Chapter 54 - Serious Talk

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Levi's POV:

As me, Britt, Nate, Austin, Tomas and Logan are heading home, me and Britt hear whispering and we both look back to see Logan and Tomas. Britt looks at me confused 'why have they become very close all of a sudden?', I shrug my shoulders. 'I wish I knew Britt, I really do' I say and Britt sighs. Me and Britt look forward again and I sling my arm over Britt's shoulder again and she snuggles into my side. As we get closer to the hotel, me and Britt talk about random things like music, family, friends, food and other random things.

Once we get back to the hotel, we see Dean sitting in the reception talking to someone random and he smiles and waves at us. We all smile and wave back, apart from Logan and Tomas who are too busy whispering again. 'Britt, can you help me with something?' I whisper to Britt and she smiles and nods. 'Do you want to help me question Tomas and Logan?' I ask and Britt nods slowly. 'How and when?' she asks and I smile 'now and in our room'. Britt nods and I approach Tomas and Logan.

'Tom, Logan, me and Britt need to have a word with you please' I ask and they both awkwardly smile and follow me and Britt up to our room. As we enter, I turn around and smile 'before we start, I would like to ask you to keep the noise down as Drew is asleep in there'. Tomas and Logan nod and sit down on the chair.

'Please be honest ok?' I ask and they nod. 'Right, so what did I walk in on in the boys toilets?' I ask and Britt's eyes widen with shock at my sentence. I laugh 'it wasn't that bad, but I would like to hear what you 2 have to say before I say what I saw'. Tomas and Logan nod, Logan looks at Tomas and Tomas sighs 'well, mine and Logan's friendship has been a little awkward since he knew about my sexuality and he had been treating me differently over the past few days. Then when I went to the bathroom, Logan must've followed me because as I went to wash my hands, he apologised to me and I accepted his apology. Then he asked for a hug just as friends and I told him that I am going to wash my hands first and then we hugged. That's when you walked in and we pulled apart from the hug'. Tomas takes a deep breath and relaxes. I look at Logan 'do you have anything to add or change to that brother?' I ask and Logan shakes his head 'that's everything that happened'.

I sigh and sit down on the chair next to Britt and Britt asks 'so, what did you see when you walked in?'. I look at Logan and say 'Logan's arms on Tomas' sides and Tomas' arms on the inside of Logan's but in the same position'.  Britt crosses her arms 'I can see why you were a little shocked, but you shouldn't expect the worst'. I sigh 'I know, but I just felt betrayed incase something was happening between them and Logan felt too scared to tell me'. Logan furrows his eyebrows 'what do you mean?'. I roll my eyes 'that you and Tomas were dating'. Logan and Tomas both awkwardly laugh 'were just friends' Tomas says. I nod 'sorry for expecting the worst'. Tomas and Logan both nod 'its ok' Logan says.

Joe's POV:

I throw my phone down, Waddy is not even picking up his phone. First he rings me and I get a miss call from him, then I try and ring back but he doesn't pick up. I then go to my home menu on my phone and see a number 1 by Phone. I open it and see the 1 by voicemails and I roll my eyes. I open the voicemail and listen to it. I hear Waddy's voice and its saying 'Hi Joe, look I just want some time alone, I was going to call you and tell you, but I ended it when it rung once. I thought it'd be best to send you a voicemail. I did think about a text, but I wanted to say it all instead of typing. Before I end this voicemail, I just want to let you know that I'm turning my phone off and I'll be back for the intervention thing. Have a nice day, bye'. The voicemail ends and I hear the lady's voice asking me if I want to replay, delete and all the other options. I end the call before she can finish and plop down onto the chair.

I'm such an idiot, Waddy has like 10 missed calls from me so he is going to be panicking and rushing back. I should've just looked at my voicemails and listened to them. I close my eyes and sigh, I look at the clock and it reads 1:15 ish and I sigh again. This is going to be a long day.

Davey's POV:

Drew continues to cry into my shoulder as I pat his back. We decided to stop talking as we heard people enter the hotel room and we didn't want people to be nosey. Drew looks at me 'sorry if I've wasted your time Davey'. I roll my eyes 'you haven't wasted my time, its always a good feeling helping people'. Drew rubs his eyes and lies back on the bed 'it felt good to get that out of my system' he says. I smile 'I'm glad I could help you'. Drew smiles and so do I, it goes awkwardly quiet.

Drew sits up and says 'I'm not sure whether to get up and go see Britt and Levi or just stay in bed'. I smile 'well, its up to you. Do you want to go and say afternoon or not?'. Drew looks at me confused 'afternoon?'. Drew looks at his phone and it says 1:21pm. 'Wow, I didn't realise I slept in that late' Drew laughs and so do I.

The room next door goes quiet and so do we. The door knocks and we hear Levi ask 'Drew, are you awake?' through the door. I look at Drew and wait to see what he does, he sits up and says 'maybe' and I roll my eyes. The door opens and Levi walks in 'oh, hi Davey, is Drew ok?'. I smile and nod 'Drew's fine, he's had a little kip anyway and he seems a lot happier'. Drew smiles and so does Levi 'that's good, do you want to stay in here longer or join me, Britt, Logan and Tomas?'. Drew thinks about it 'can I join you guys?' he asks and Levi smiles 'you don't have to ask'.

Austin's POV:

I head back to Nate's room with him and we both enter, Nate turns around and smiles 'so, how did Logan find out about Tomas?'. I roll my eyes 'me and Tomas are going to talk about this later'. Nate pouts and looks at the floor 'please tell me' he asks and I roll my eyes again. 'Fine, I accidentally let it slip out to Logan' I say and Nate looks at me 'I'm sure Tomas wont be mad, besides literally everyone that knows him here knows about him'. I smile and nod 'exactly, that's why I told Logan'. Nate looks at me 'but you said you let it slip out'. I laugh 'in other words I told him and then stopped and remembered I shouldn't have without Tomas' permission'. Nate awkwardly laughs 'I knew that'.

Dean's POV:

'Are you sure we should be organising this behind Joe's back?' the man asks and I nod 'listen, he has let Davey be the manager for the day and Davey is busy and Waddy has gone for some alone time, so technically I'm deputy right now'. The man sighs and opens his notebook 'Well, I'm free tomorrow if The Tide are'. I nod 'they were free, but now they're not'. The man nods 'call me Jamie'. I smile 'ok, Jamie. See you tomorrow'. Jamie smiles and puts his hands in his pocket pulling out a card 'if there are any problems or you need to change the date, just give me a call'. I smile and nod 'thank you, see you tomorrow at 10am'. 'Bye' Jamie says leaving the hotel. Joe or Waddy will be so proud of me getting The Tide some publicity.

I head upstairs and knock on Joe's door. The door instantly opens and Joe asks 'what's up?'. I roll my eyes 'can you at least smile when you say that'. Joe frowns some more 'what's up?' he asks again. 'Well, where's Davey, I have some big news about The Tide' I say smiling. Joe sighs 'you can talk to me about this you know'. I shake my head 'your not manager until later on, I need to speak to Davey'. Joe sighs again 'he's in Levi and Britt's room with Drew'. I smile 'thank you, have a good day'. Joe's door closes and I head to Levi and Britt's room.

I knock on the door and Tomas opens the door. 'Do I have the wrong room?' I ask confused and Tomas laughs 'if your after Levi and Britt's room then you've come to the right room'. 'Where's Davey?' I ask and Tomas points to the bedroom door and it opens and out walks Drew, Levi and Davey. 'Davey!' I shout smiling and he jumps with fright 'I need to speak to you' and he rolls his eyes and comes to the door.

'What's up?' he asks and I pull him outside closing the door 'I have some big news'. Davey rolls his eyes 'what is it?'. 'Well I was speaking to this man and we have made a meeting tomorrow and The Tide need to come along' I smile and Davey sighs 'what are they doing tomorrow?'. I smile 'well, they are...........

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