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Golden Prima hummed, tapping her comm with two digits, a frown etched on her face plates. Her call rang for a few minutes before going straight to voice mail. Golden Prima frowned deeper and ended the call with a click, rounding on her Sparkmate with worry in her EM Field, "He's not answering my calls." Drift glanced up from his work, watching his mate pace the length of their living room and pointed out calmly, "He's in a different time zone, my blossom." The Prime hummed and checked through her solar calendar, honing in on the racing planet, "She should be done by now." Drift shuttered his optics, "You should call Windblade then." Golden Prima paused her pacing and promptly tapped on the femme's contact, the call ringing shorter before cutting off, "She has her comm on Do Not Disturb." Drift shuffled through his data-pad's before responding, "It is possible they are still tied up then." Golden Prima shook her helm, coming up to Drift's side to bask in his warm EM Field to soothe her racing thoughts, "I'm...worried." Drift placed a steady hand around her waist, his touch light, "He said he would call when he know as well as I do how forgetful he can be." Golden Prima relaxed into his touch, shaking out her frame and folding neatly into a sitting position near Drift's chair, "What if..." The Prime didn't finish her thought, groaning as the voices of the Prime's filtered through her helm. Drift rubbed at her audiofins, his attention divided, "It is not our job to sit here and "what if" the situation, my love. Windblade will have her sparkling and Swerve will call you.....there is nothing to worry about." Golden Prima settled her helm against his outside thigh plating with a snort, "Except we're also the bitlets Godcreators." Drift hummed with a chuckle, "True." Golden Prima closed her optics, letting out a deep vent as she listened to Drift type out the rest of his orders for the upcoming week. A loud ring went off on Golden Prima's forearm and she perked up, glancing at the caller ID with excitement, "Drift! It's Swerve." Drift paused and motioned for her to answer the call with a smile. The Prime clicked it open, smiling as Swerve's tired expression came into view. The leader returned her smile, his optics twinkling, "What's up?" Golden Prima rolled her optics, "Show me the kid." Swerve smirked, "Show you who? I have no idea-" "-Swerve." Swerve startled as his designation was called and he sheepishly turned the camera to Windblade's form. The jet was laying in the bed, covered in multiple sheets and smiling tiredly at the two on the call, "She's in the berth over there, Swerve go show them their godsparkling please." Swerve dutifully walked to the smaller berth and showed them a screenful of a dark red/black sparkling with a fade of pink into white flames on the sides of her pedes and bright blue optics. She yawned and the couple could see a bright blue glossa, just like her Sire's. Swerve smiled at the two, "Isn't she cute?" Golden Prima's face plates softened at the sight, "She is, she's even got your blue glossa." Swerve stuck out his glossa and the sparkling giggled at the sight, prompting the couple to fawn over the two. Golden Prima smiled, her EM Field swelling with joy, "Congratulations Swerve, what's her designation?" Swerve smirked and retracted his steps back to the other berth so Windblade was in view, her blue optics watching Swerve's every move. The femme rolled her optics at Swerve's mischievous expression, "Her designation is Solarflare. I wouldn't allow him to name her Racer or Track." Swerve blinked innocently at his Sparkmate and Golden Prima chuckled, "I think I like Solarflare better." Swerve pouted but seeing as he was outvoted he retorted, "Its better than Ironfist...I will not have my femmeling going around with a designation like that." Windblade rolled here optics as the couple laughed. 

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