A Visit To The Kuzuryu Clan

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Fuyuhikos pov

"Are you sure it's ok for me to be here" kazuichi clung to my arm anxiously. Poor kid's been a nervous wreck and I don't blame him. Getting kidnapped twice would scare anyone! Clearly I can't protect him on my own so as much as I hate it I'll have to rely on my family for help.

"Of course buddy. You belong here just as much as anyone" I said reassuringly "are you sure you shouldn't have contacted your dad?"

"No it's fine. Daddy wouldn't even notice if I was gone" he smiled softly. I see. They have that kind of relationship.

It's then that my dad appeared.

"Is that your dad fuyu?" Kazuichi muttered in amazement.

"Yeah that's my dad. He's the head of the kuzuryu clan" I explained.

He looked the large man up and down "uhh did you take after your mom's side?"

"Very funny" I glared at him. He giggled softly into my shoulder. At least he's feeling better.

Dad's eyes landed on kazuichi "who's this scruffy little thing you brought into our house" kazuichi shrunk under his gaze.

I took a deep breath. I should just come out with it "this is kazuichi. He's the one carrying my child"

He did a double take "you're joking"

"He's not joking sir" kazuichi took a step forward "I've almost got kidnapped twice and I'm scared out of my mind. Please help me!" tears were streaming down his face at this point. It was heartbreaking.

Dad walked over to him. Kazuichi started to tremble under the towering man. He petted his head "easy sweetheart there's nothing to be afraid of. My boys will keep you safe. I swear it" he raised his head "Yamada! Take this poor kid down to rest"

"Yes sir" he bowed before gently leading kazu away.

Once kazuichi was out of sight dad socked me in the face "you fucking idiot! Do you have any idea what kind of situation you put us in" he growled.

"I'm sorry" I stood up "it was just an accident"

"Yakusa don't make accident son. I should have you part with one of your fingers for this"

"I don't need special treatment" I glared at him.

"Don't be a fucking moran. Think how that boy would feel if he saw you like that" I sighed. I hate to admit it but he's right.

"You realise what you done to that poor kid don't you?" His eyes turned dark "his life will be a living hell from here on out"

I bit my lip "you meant it when you said you'd protect him didn't you?"

"Of course I did" he glared at me "he's carrying my grandchild. I'll protect the boy with my life"

Thank god "hey look at the bright side. Now if I fuck up and die you'll have a replacement"

"Don't talk like that!" he snapped "you're a young man. You got a long life ahead of you"

"That's what we thought about natsumi" I turned away. Even saying her name still hurts.

"Hey" the old man placed his hand on my shoulder, his eyes were a lot softer now "you're not going to end up like natsumi. Now get yourself ready for dinner" he patted me on the shoulder before leaving.

I shoved my hands in my pocket with a huff. Why's he have to treat me like a fucking kid!

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now