aiya and mia

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Kazuhikos pov

FTE 1- aiya

"Hiko just let me tell you that I am thrilled to have you join us" aiya said as we walked through the door.

"Eh" I raised an eyebrow. This girl always has to say something confusing!

"Well you're joining the dark side ain't ya" she leaned in mischievously.

"Eh!" I began to sweat nervously, did I just sign up for something crazy without realising it!

"That's right kazuhiko kuzuryu. Welcome... to the zodiac believer club!" She pulled on a string, sending confetti everywhere.

"Huh?" I was stunned from sheer disbelief.

"Most people think we're freaks and will shun us from society but I see you hiko. I see your beautiful soul longing to break free" she cupped my face "and I can help. Give me a couple of weeks and I can bring out the true you. Well, what do you say?"

"I was imagining many terrible things but somehow this is so much worse" I muttered.

"Aww don't be such a stick in the mud" she grabbed my arm and dragged me in "come on hiko, onto the path of a better you!"

I guess it's my own fault for asking her to hang out. I should have known better!


And yet I made the same mistake again!

"Man my hair just won't co-operate today" she groaned as she fought with a hairbrush "I wish dad was here to help me out"

"Your dad's the one to help with hair troubles" I was surprised. I could never imagine my dad doing anything like that!

"Of course! He's the only one with crazy dreglocks like mine" she sighed "don't get me wrong, I love my hair! It just sucks that no one else knows how to deal with it"

I stared at her in silence before taking the brush out of her hand "let me try"

"Oh that's a nice offer but-" she was cut off by me brushing her hair effortlessly "oh my gosh, How'd you do that?"

"Disentangled gel" I smirked "I also suffer from crazy hair syndrome"

"Your amazing hiko" she sat down and I continued to brush her hair "I picked the perfect guy to join the zodiac club!"

"I guess so" I chuckled softly as I finished her hair "ok hair has been successfully detangled, but I'm afraid I have no idea how to do dreglocks"

"Oh I could teach you" her eyes shone hopefully. I couldn't possibly say no.

"Alright teach me your ways"


"Aiya?" I approached her cautiously, after all she didn't take Mia's death all that well "hey zodiac buddy. You ready for our daily meeting?"

She didn't even crack a smile.

I sighed "come on aiya. I know she was your friend but you can't-"

"No!" She stood up suddenly, tears forming "she wasn't just my friend she was my only friend!" She looked away "people always found me weird in class. Mom always told me to just be myself but it was never enough. And then this wonderfully beautiful girl comes along and she likes me for me! And what happens? She dies! She dies and I'm all alone again-"

I cut her off with a hug "you are not alone" I said firmly "I'm your friend and when we get off this island you're going to make a ton of new friends so please don't give up"

She cried against my shoulder for I don't know how long. Seeing her so vulnerable just made me want to protect her. I guess I did get attached at the end.

FTE complete!

FTE 1- Mia

I sweated nervously. Why did I do this to myself? Me and mia have nothing in common. What the hell was I thinking asking her to hang out!

"Kazuhiko" he sudden voice made me snap to attention "we need to talk"

"Talk about what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"About your look of course!" She started circling me like a vulture "the pink and white look just isn't doing it for you honey. You need something darker, something that screams damn I look good!"

"Why would a yakusa have to worry about looking good" I rolled my eyes. I knew this was a bad idea!

"For your brand silly" she leaned in knowingly "You wanna look cool don't you?"

"Of course I want to look cool" I nodded enthusiastically "so what can you do?"

She pulled out a measuring tape "I'll take a few measurements and see what I can do for you"

I gulped. I'm regretting this already!


"So what do you think, sugar? Do I know my stuff or do I know my stuff!"

"You sure do!" I admired my new black and gray look "I look like a true yakusa! You know I always wanted to pull off this look but I was always afraid of looking too much like my dad"

"Well thanks to me you have your own individuality" she grinned "and my mom said I'd never make a living off of being a designer. Well look at me now mom! I'm designing a suit for a yakusa!"

"Did you have problems with your parents?" I asked. I mean that outburst was a little weird.

She sighed "not really but when your mom's are the ultimate nurse and ultimate musician there's a lot of pressure to do something big. Sometimes I wonder if the pressure will crush me"

"I know the feeling" I took a seat next to her. For the first time since I met her I finally found something we have in common.


"Umm kazu can I talk to you about something" mia looked uncharacteristically nervous.

I raised an eyebrow "sure?"

"Great! Let's go" she dragged me away before I could protest.

Once she finally stopped dragging me she played with her fingers, her eyes glued to the ground "so...what would you do if you had a crush? You'd tell them right?"

Oh I see. She's having love trouble "don't tell them immediately, but yeah eventually you should tell them. You'll regret it if you don't"

"You're right" she pulled me into a surprise hug "thanks, I'll tell her when the moments right"

I smiled softly as she ran off. We didn't have much in common but in the end I'm happy I could help-

"Wait her!?"

FTE complete!

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