Kindly Mahiru

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Kazuichis pov

I sat alone in the classroom, watching out the window. Everyone had gone outside for break time. Normally I'd go out with them but I'm just feeling so overwhelmed and I don't want to bother them with my crazy emotions.

I spotted fuyuhiko out the window. He was talking to peko like normal. They seemed happy in each other's company. Good. I'm glad I stayed away now.

Fuyuhiko looked up at the window I was staring out of. I yelped and dropped to the floor, out of sight. I hugged my knees and tears started to brim. I feel like such a freak!

"Kazuichi!" I looked up to see mahirus worried face "are you ok? You aren't hurt are you"

"I'm fine" I tried to wipe my tears away.

"You're crying" a flash of anger appeared on her face "did fuyuhiko upset you? That's it! I'm going down to give that guy a peace of my mind-" she turned to leave when-

"No!" I grabbed her wrist "fuyu didn't do anything. I just don't want to bother anyone"

"Why on earth would you think you're a bother to anyone" she bent down to my level.

"Cause I feel so emotional right now and if I stayed with fuyu he won't be able to enjoy his break" I sighed.

"Oh so that's what this is about" she petted my head with a gentle smile "you are way too nice you know that. Fuyuhiko doesn't know how lucky he's got it!" She stood up with a determined grin "ok then. How about you spend time with me?"

"No no I don't want to trouble you-"

"Nonsense! I won't take no for an answer" she grabbed my hand and dragged me away before I could protest further.

I sighed. There's no arguing with mahiru but I am grateful to her..

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now