The Tragic Truth

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Kazuhikos pov

We all took our places at the trail once again. Token was the kinda person who always looked at things through a pessimistic lens but deep down he had a kind heart and with the help of others that kinder side was coming out. Someone like that was killed and I will find out who did this!

"Token. Why did it have to be him" aiya said sadly.

"What would you have been happier if it was someone else" kichi pouted.

"No it's not that it's just...he was becoming a much kinder person. We were really becoming close friends" she said tearfully.

"I understand aiya" I nodded reassuringly "don't worry. We'll definitely find out who did this"

"Bold words mr kuzuryu. Let us hope you can back them up" taru smirked. I glared at him. Jerk!

"Kazuhiko stay focused" pekoya lightly scolded me "let's start with the cause of death. Saiko if you please"

"Of course" saiko nodded "token was killed by a sharp object to the head. That sharp object was later revealed to be a hoe"

"A hoe?" Aiya turned slightly red.

"Not that kind of hoe dummy" kichi shook her head "a garden hoe. You know for the garden"

"Oh I get ya" she grinned.

"He was struck once and would have most likely died instantly. After all his brain was punchered" Kaizan said darkly.

"Oh poor token" aiya covered her mouth in shock.

"On the bright side he didn't suffer. That's something to be grateful for" natsuki said with a sad smile.

"Well on that note I think we have our culprit" kichi smirked "taru you're the ultimate farmer aren't you? That means that hoe belongs to you!"

Everyone turned to taru. He let out a sigh "honestly ouma I expected better from you. Just because my hoe was used as the weapon doesn't mean I did any wrongdoing. It could have easily been stolen"

"Good point. Ok kazuhiko it's your turn" she said brightly.

"Wha- why me!" I yelped.

"Because I'm too lazy to argue any further" she shrugged.

"Of course" I sighed before turning to taru "taru if you're really innocent you need to prove it"

"And how do you expect me to do that kuzuryu?" He glared at me. Why is he being so hostile?

"An alibi would be nice" I folded my arms.

"Very well. I was alone for most of the day and met up with the boys when I noticed token was missing" he said calmly.

"Dude that's a terrible alibi" Kaizan muttered in disbelief "you could have been doing anything"

"Then how about this for an alibi. We you saw me gentlemen did you notice any blood on my person" he pondered.

"No I don't" natsuki muttered.

"I'm pretty sure I'd remember if you were covered in blood. I'm pretty familiar with the seant of blood" Kaizan said casually.

"You really shouldn't say those kind of things out loud" pekoya sighed.

"If I were to have killed token in cold blood then I would have been covered in a fair bit of blood wouldn't you agree" he said confidently "the lack of blood on my person is my alibi!"

"Not quite" I countered "saiko found a pile of ash in the corner. Clearly you brought some spare clothes and burnt the bloody ones!"

"Nonsense!" He glared daggers at me "that pile of ash could of been anything. You can't prove they are burnt up clothes and you can't prove that they weren't there since the start!"

"Gah!" I collapsed against the stand. His argument is solid. I can't poke a hole through it! Is this really the end.

"Don't give up" I looked up to see saikos gentle smile "you're on the right track. You just need to keep pushing"

"That's right" pekoya smiled confertingly "you're smarter than you give yourself credit for. So for the sake of us all fight!"

"Fight kazuhiko!"

I looked around at my friend's cheering me on. They're right. I have to fight. I can figure this out. I just need a way to pin this on him. Think think think!

"Tokens glasses" I muttered softly.

"What was that?" He sneered.

"Tokens glasses went missing after he died" I narrowed my eyes at him "he never took them off so it's clear someone took them. I searched everywhere but never found them. This has led me to believe the glasses are on the blackens person. So taru will you submit to a body check!"

He stood there in stunned silence before he started clapping? "Well good kuzuryu. No I believe you've earned the right to be called kazuhiko. You're absolutely right. I am the culprit you've been searching for"

We stood in stunned silence. We've had people confess before but never like this!

"Was is taken so long" taru growled "get on with the voting!"

And so we did.

*Time skip*

"Why did you do it" was the first thing I asked "I didn't get the feeling you cared about the girls lives"

"I didn't" he said bluntly "this whole thing was tokens idea"


He sighed "let me explain..."


"What are you asking of me?" I took a step back in shock. Humans are supposed to cling to life. Why is he asking to die?

He looked away sadly "My life doesn't mean much anyway. All I do is sit around writing manga. They'll contribute much more to society. Plus I want them to live. Please taru, you're the only one I can ask this of"

"You're a brave soul. You have my respect" I nodded as I picked up my hoe "I'll make this quick"

"Wait!" I thought he had changed his mind but instead he took off his glasses "there. Now I don't have to see it coming"

I teared up slightly. This will be the hardest thing I've ever done.

*End of flashback*

We were all tearful by the end of the story. Damnit token. Why didn't you talk to us?

"In that case Why'd you keep fighting us?" Aiya asked "if kazuhiko didn't figure you out tokens sacrifice would have been worthless!"

"Because I wanted to know if you were worthy of such a sacrifice and I'm glad to say you are" he smiled softly "live, no matter what it takes"

With that he walked to his death.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now