Double Murder

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Kazuhikos pov

We ran out of the hospital frantically. Both mia and namiko have gone missing, they must have left when we were resting. Damnit this is all my fault.

"Hey what are you guys doing out of the hospital!" We turned around to see Kichi's disappointed face.

"Namiko and mia have gone missing!" Natsuki yelled before I had a chance to say anything.

"Seriously? You guys are the worst nurses" she shook her head with a sigh "alright ladies let's get searching!"

*Time skip*

"Hey guys over here!" Kichi yelled from the music venue "it's locked! I think they've barricaded themselves in"

I ran up and banged on the door "namiko, mia this isn't funny. Open the door"

No answer

I banged harder "open the goddamn door!"

"Yo enstine it doesn't seem to be working" kichi pointed out "let's just kick it down!"

"Are you sure that will work. You're just a little girl" I muttered.

"It's fine. I'll just borrow some of my mom's magic" she rolled up her sleeves "now let's bust this sucker down!"

"It's worth a shot" natsuki shrugged.

"Ok if we're all in agreement" I stretched my shoulders and took a step back "ok we'll ram it in three... two... one!"

We slammed into the door, knocking it off its hinghes.

"Damn. I've gotten alot stronger" I grinned. The others faces were twisted in horror "what?" I followed their gaze and immediately understood.

It was namiko and mia but we didn't find them as we hoped to. Both were laying in a pool of their own blood, surrounded by candles.

"A body has been discovered!"

"Holy shit" she fell to her knees, cupping her mouth in horror "what kind of phyco would do this!"

"Easy kichi" natsuki rubbed her shoulders reassuringly "I know it's a lot but we have to stay strong. That's the only way we can find hope"

"You're right. I'm fine now" she stood up on shaky legs.

I cleared my throat "so should we start investigating-"

"Mia!" We were cut off by aiyas heartbreaking scream. She rushed over and cradled her dead friend "please mia you can't be dead!"

We were all too stunned to confront her. All except taru.

"Enough of this! Your friend has passed on to the shadow realm. If you cannot accept that then there's no hope of you"

"Hey! That's no way to talk to a girl!" I glared at him. I know he's right but he could have been gentler!

"No it's fine" she gently laid her friend down, her shirt stained with blood "I can't stand here crying. I have to avenge my friend! Kazuhiko will you let me investigate with you?"

"I don't know aiya-"

"Please. I know I'm not smart but I can't just stand here while my friend's been murder" there was such pain in her eyes. I couldn't possibly turn her down.

"Alright. Let's be partners"

"Thank you!" She pulled me into a hug "okay what should we do first?"

"Well the first thing I normally do is survey the crime scene" I took a step forward. The two bodies were laid out on opposite sides of each other, surrounded by candles.

"These candles are weird don't you think?" Aiya pointed out.

"No kidding" kichi popped up "it's like something out of a cult"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh you know cult movies and stuff" she rubbed the back of her neck. Great she's clueless too!

"It seems that none of us have a clue about cults" pekoya appeared "but taru seems to have an understanding about them"

"Tch I don't want that guy's help" I folded my arms.

"You're such a child" she poked my cheek "taru will you come over here please"

"Do you need my assistance?" Taru appeared.

"We want to know what the deal is with the candles" aiya said bluntly.

He bent down to inspect it "this is normal cult behaviour. Many cults tend to surround their victims in light to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. It's as if they're trying to make up for their hanous act" he chuckled darkly.

"Thank you taru. Was that so hard?" She looked at me sternly.

"Hph I don't like his attitude" I grumbled.

"Well some people don't like your attitude" she shook her head. I shot her a hurt look as she walked away.

"Oh what do we do next!" Aiya took my arm.

"Well next we'll investigate the bodies-" I froze. Damnit why did I say that! "Look you don't have to do that. I can-"

"No it's fine" she took a couple of deep breaths "ok I'm ready"

We approached the bodies. Aiya started trembling, stray tears hung in her eyes. I took her hand and gently led her closer.

"Hmm" saiko analysed the bodies "two stab wounds. One in the gut and one in the neck"

"This seems to be the culprit" Kaizan picked up a scary looking knife "a ritual knife. Pretty standard for this sort of Voodoo shit"

"This really is like a cult" I muttered before approaching Kaizan "can you tell me a little more about the wounds?"

"Sure. Mia was stabbed in the gut. Poor girl probably bled out-" he stopped once he saw aiyas face "shit I'm so sorry-"

"No please continue" she put on a brave face.

"Right" he nodded awkwardly "well namikos injury is a little different. He was slashed across the neck and most likely died instantly"

"I see. Thanks for the info" I said greatfully.

It was then that the announcement played. I took a deep breath. It's time.

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