Cleaning The Island

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Kazuhikos pov

I hummed softly to myself as I carried a bucket of soapy water. Like everyone else I was helping clean the run down island in the hopes of finding clues. I was in charge of cleaning the windows (or what's left of them) and the floors.

I approached pekoya who was dusting a cabinet. She looked up at me. I waved awkwardly. She picked up her stuff and walked away.

Aiya looked at us inquisitively "are you two having a couple's spat?"

"We're not a couple" I groaned.

"Could've fooled me" she shrugged "hey you wanna take a zodiac reading. I could tell you if you two are compatible" her eyes lit up excitedly.

"I don't believe in zodiac signs" I rolled my eyes.

"You're probably a vergo with that attitude" she pouted "still try and make up with her ok? It sucks for such good friends to fall apart like this"

"Don't worry aiya. I will" I gave her a reassuring smile before leaving.

As I was walking down to the next building I ran into namiko who was carrying a bunch of rubble with his bare hands.

"Hey kazu. Working hard or hardly working" he smiled brightly as he walked past me. I smiled softly. What a remarkably strong boy.

I made it to the library where kichi was looking through a mountain of books. She turned to me with a grin.

"Hey kazuhiko, check this out" she held up a book.

"Did you find something?" I dropped the bucket and ran up to her.

"You might want to sit down for this one" her face was completely serious. I nodded and sat down "it turns out that the victims of the last japperwok island were also the remnants of despair"

"What!" I grabbed the book and scanned through it. It was all there.

"Why wouldn't they tell me about this" I sank down into my seat.

"They probably didn't want you judging them on things they did when they were Junko's mind slaves. I know I wouldn't" she shrugged.

"I get that but still. I can't imagine my wonderful parents doing such awful things" I gripped my knees in an attempt to stop my shaking.

"If it makes you feel better it looks like your mom wasn't a remnant" she said casually.

"What!?" I shot up from my seat.

"You're mom's kazuichi kuzuryu right?" She pointed to a picture of my mother when he was a teen "he's cute, I see where you get your looks from. Anyway it says here he was a prisoner of the remnants along with his baby. He did many things to protect his baby and he acted as a spy in order to help reform the remnants"

He went that far to protect me and dad? Oh mom you're so much stronger than I ever gave you credit for!

"Anyway I'm famished" she stood up and stretched "you wanna get some dinner?"

"Yeah sounds good to me" I smiled softly as I followed her out.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now