jay and namiko

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Kazuhikos pov

FTE 1- jay

"So what can I do you for?" He leaned over the table opposite me.

"Eh?" I was confused by his wording.

"You invited me out here for a reason. I can see it in your eyes" he lay his hand against his cheek with a knowing smile "go ahead. I won't bite"

"Alright I'll get to the point" I faced him "you're a complete mystery and I don't like things I can't understand. So I was hoping to get some answers"

"Not the most trusting guy are you" he shook his head with a smile "but I can't complain. I'm a lot like that myself. The only person I've ever opened up around is namiko"

"You two seem close" I muttered softly. The way they act so naturally around each other, it reminds me of me and pekoya.

"Yeah but that's a story for another day" he stood up suddenly "I'm afraid I must bid you farewell. I'm very busy you see"

"But we've barely hung out!" I yelled as he walked away.

"Another time" he waved without looking at me. I sighed. Getting answers is going to be harder than I thought.


"You're quite determined to make me talk" jay took a seat with a defeated sigh "Part of me is impressed"

"I'm not the type to give up when I want something" I said simply.

"I'd say" he chuckled "hey you're a yakusa aren't you? Why not try some of your torture methods on me? I should warn you I have a high pain tolerance"

Well that's a scary thing to say! "My family doesn't torture. If we want something we get it by our own hands, not from someone else's mouth"

"That's admirable" he smiled softly "good thing too. My mother happened to be president of Japan. I had half a mind to report you to her"

"Eh!" I nearly jumped out of my seat.

He let out a side splitting laugh "don't worry you passed the test with flying colours. You're a better person than most people I've met kazuhiko kuzuryu" his eyes twinkled softly.

For a moment I felt a connection with the boy...


"So what you wanna do today" I said as we sat at the beach.

"Oh? No questions about my ulterior motives this time?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No. I've decided I'm going to believe in you. From now on I won't pry"

He looked at me in surprise before smiling "I appreciate that. Ok I can tell you one thing. It has to do with namiko and how we met"

I leaned in, interested.

"We met in a hospital. He had a heart condition and I'd rather not talk about my condition. We were just kids. I was a lonely kid, my parents were always working to pay my medical bills so I only saw them monthly if I was lucky but namiko was amazing. He was so frail and weak and yet he was always there to cheer me up and see the bright side of things. It was then we became best friends"

"So you've known each other since childhood. Sounds like me and pekoya" I smiled softly "you know for having a heart condition namiko sure is sporty"

"I told you, he's amazing" he smiled softly.

We spent the next few moments laying together in the sand. We started out just looking for answers but in the end we found mutual understanding.

FTE complete!

FTE 1- namiko

"So you wanna hang out with me?" Namiko stretched his legs, his eyes not leaving me.

"Yeah I thought it would be a good chance to get to know you" I explained.

"Cool!" He jumped up with a grin "let's go for a run!"

"A run? Now?" I raised an eyebrow. Talk about random!

"Yeah! My mom always used to say there's no better way to test someone's strength then to either race or eat with them" he grinned.

"Couldn't we just talk" I tried to reason with him.

"Nope! Get ready for the race of a lifetime!" He winked at me.

"I'm not getting out of this" I sighed as I took my shirt. Oh well, if it's a race he wants it's a race he'll get!

Time skip

"Wow that was some speed" namikos eyes shone with admiration.

"Oh that's nothing, I have to stay fit for my line of work" I shrugged "so can we talk?"

"No way. After seeing what you can do I just gotta fight you" he trembled with excitement.

"Wait what?"

"Prepare yourself!"


What have I gotten myself into.


"What a fight. I'm trembling with excitement" namiko bounced in excitement.

"Your not so bad yourself" I wiped some sweat from my brow "man namiko you sure have alot of energy. Your parents must have struggled to keep up with you!"

"You'd be surprised" he sat down with a slight smile "I was actually a pretty sickly child. I spent a good chunk of my life in the hospital"

"Really?" I looked at him in disbelief "I never would have thought"

He thumped his chest "heart problems. Apparently it was heritatary. My parents were great though. My dad carried me everywhere and mom brought me the yummest food. They stayed by my side until my operation"

"That's amazing. You have some solid parents" I clapped his back.

"You don't need to tell me" he grinned "now you up for round two?" 

"You know it!"


"Namiko?" I approached the boy cautiously. After all just yesterday he lost his best friend. He was smiling like normal but I didn't buy it.

"Kazuhiko?" He looked up at me with tearful eyes "why are you comforting me? You lost your friends too"

"Well that's more reason isn't it? We should look out for each other don't you think?" I smiled gently.

"You're a good guy kazu" he wiped his tears away "did you know I met jay in the hospital"

I stayed silent, giving him time to speak.

"Jay was always alone. His parents were working hard to pay for his treatment. What he had was pretty life-threatening. Anyway I did my best to make him happy. At first he was annoyed at me but then I tripped and fell in a silly pose. That was the first time I saw him laugh. It made me so happy" he stayed silent "I really miss him"

"Yeah me too buddy" I pulled him into a hug. He cried silently on my shoulder. Namikos such a strong boy but he's also not afraid to be human. I think there's alot I can learn from him.

FTE complete!

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now