Losing Our Classmates To Despair

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Kazuichis pov

I hummed softly to myself as I carried kazuhiko to the classroom. I had to sweet talk the old man a bit but he finally agreed to let me take kazuhiko to school once a week.

"Aren't you excited to see your aunties and uncles kazuhiko?" I asked the babbling baby.

"Aba!" He babbled happily. I lifted him over my head and nuzzled his tummy. This little boy's my whole life. I can't even remember what I did before I had this bundle of joy in my arms. It's like all my loneliness faded away once fuyuhiko and kazuhiko came into my life. I owe everything to them.

I opened the door with a smile. That smile quickly faded once I saw what was inside...

It was my classmates, my beloved classmates covered in blood and laughing. Laughing like nothing is wrong!

Kazuhiko let out a frightened cry. Everyone turned their heads to us. It felt like something out of a horror movie!

"Kazuichi there you are and kazuhiko too!" Ibuki eyes shone with something that could only be described as despair.

"Join us" they simultaneously held they're hands out to me "join us join us JOIN US!"

I slammed the door shut and bolted down the hallway. I have to go back to the kuzuryus and tell them everything. They'll know to do. They always know what to do-

I stopped. Standing there was fuyuhiko and peko. I felt so relieved. Finally someone I can trust.

"Fuyu I-" I froze. He pulled out his gun at me. I fell to my knees in shock "why?"

He looked to the side sadly "I'm sorry but it's the only way to keep you safe" the others appeared behind me "take my husband and child somewhere safe" the nodded before picking me up and dragging me away. I let my tears silently fall.

What happened to the people I love?

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now