Dinner Together

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Fuyuhikos pov

I straightened my tie as I made my way to the dining hall. Mom, dad and peko should be there. They'll be pissed if I'm late.

I headed inside, gave a brief nod to mom and took a seat next to peko.

"Are you alright young master. I heard your father gave you quite the talking to" peko looked at me with that fermillier concern.

"Yeah but it's nothing I'm not used to" I shook my head.

"Where is kazuichi?" She asked "isn't he supposed to be joining us for dinner?"

Before I could answer he walked in but he looked like a completely different person. His pink hair which was normally hidden was tied back in a ponytail. I immediately recognised the kimono he was wearing.

It was natsumis.

"Oh fuyu I took a bath and it was amazing" his eyes sparkled with excitement "the hot water felt so good against my skin!"

"That's good" I muttered, still utterly mesmerised by how beautiful he looked.

"My are you the boy I've heard so much about" mom spoke up.

"Yes! I'm kazuichi souda. Nice to meet you ma'am" he bowed.

"My you are so cute!" She giggled "it's no wonder my son got you pregnant!"

"Mom!" I yelled as my face heated up. That woman!

"Is that's my daughter's kimono you're wearing" dad's words caused kazuichi to freeze up.

"My apologies master kuzuryu" Yamada spoke up "I gave it to him. I thought it would look good on him"

"Well you're right. It does look good on him" his eyes softened.

Kazuichi let out a sigh of relief as he sunk down on the seat next to me.

I looked the boy up and down. Kazuichi raised an eyebrow "what?"

"Nothing" I coughed "I just think... you look beautiful"

"Ah" kazuichis cheeks heated up "thank you" a soft smile spread across his face. I turned away with a blush.

What is this boy doing to me!?

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now