A Morbid Meal

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Kazuhikos pov

We sat down in a circle eating in silence. Yesterday we lost three classmates and the grief has driven us to silence. How long until we're all dead. I'm not sure. Still I can't give up. If I can save even one person I'll be satisfied.

The deafening silence was brought to an abrupt end by the doors flying open. We turned around to see aiyas bright face.

"Good morning" she said brightly "hey what's with the gloomy faces"

"What do you think!" Pekoya snapped "we lost three people yesterday. Three! Dose that not bother you?"

"Of course it bothers me" we were surprised by her answer "but I shouldn't get depressed. I gotta keep fighting to get back home. That's what mia would want me to do" she smiled sadly at the end.

"Aiya" I muttered softly. She's grown remarkably strong throughout this killing game.

"Aiya I saved you some breakfast" token held up a plate, looking a little embarrassed "w-would you like to eat with us?"

"Aww of course I will toki" she ruffled his hair before taking a seat next to him.

"T-toki" a blush creeped up his face. I chuckled to myself. Despite being a little antisocial he's a good kid.

"Damnit" Kaizan slammed his fist down "what am I doing getting so depressed. I'm still alive. That means I have to keep fighting!"

"Quite right" saiko held up a glass "to everyone who died. Let us carry them with us forever"

"To the dead!" We click glasses and celebrated the life we still had.

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