Next Morning Regrets

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Fuyuhikos pov

I opened my eyes to be greeted by a ceiling I didn't recognise. That ceiling looks too fancy to belong to a prison cell so I haven't been kidnapped. In that case where the fuck am I? I turned to lay on my side and got my answer in the form of my sleeping best friend.

"Gahh!" I jolted up. It was then I realised I had no clothes on. Did we- oh fuck!

"Yah!" Kazuichi was immediately awakened by my screams "fuyu? Wha-"

"Kazzy what happened" I turned to him desperately. Please let this just be a misunderstanding.

"I don't know" he looked dazed. Poor kid's probably just as clueless as I am "all I remember is drinking that punch-"

"That fucking punch!" I growled before reaching out and fishing for my phone "that bitch ibuki has a lot to answer for!"

I tapped my fingers anxiously as the phone buzzed in my ear. Kazuichi watched me with a nervous expression. If anyone from our rival clan found out about this affair they'd target him. Fuck! I can't believe I put him in danger like this!

"Hello?" Mikan's voice came through the phone.

"Mikan put your bitch of a girlfriend on right now!" I growled.

"Ok" the timid girl yelped. A few seconds later...

"Hello this is ibuki speaking. How can ibuki help you?"

"Ibuki what the fuck was in that punch!" I yelled into the speaker.

"Ohh you liked that?" She giggled "ibuki spiked it to give it a little kick"

"A little kick? You stupid bitch! We're highschoolers! We're not old enough to drink!"

"Ibuki just wanted to make things more exciting" I could hear her pout.

"Well how's this for exciting? When I get to school tomorrow I'm going to shoot you in your fucking kneecaps!" I hung up before she could reply.

"Hic" I turned around to see kazu crying his heart out.

I immediately panicked "kazzy what's wrong? Does something hurt!?"

"Fuyu are we not going to be friends any more?" He asked tearfully "you're my best friend. I don't want to lose you!"

"Hey I don't want to lose you either. Hell you're the only person who'd tolerate me" I reached out and wiped his tears away "it's alright. We'll just pretend none of this ever happened"

"Ok. I don't really remember anything anyway" he wiped some stray tears.

"Good boy" I patted his head with a relieved smile. Yeah. Everything should be alright now. There's no reason for anyone to find out what happened here...

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now