New Ultimate

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Kazuhikos pov

"I'll see you tomorrow pekoya!" I waved to my childhood friend as I reached my house. We both go to different schools but we still like to walk to and from school together. It's a dangerous neighborhood after all!

"Yes I'll see you tomorrow" she gave a polite bow before walking away.

I opened the door and took a step inside "I'm home" I announced.

"Welcome home honey" I heard mom from the kitchen "there's a letter for you on the table. Come in and open it"

"Ok" I raised an eyebrow. I don't get letters very often so I was a little confused. Who could this be from.

I opened it and began reading.

Dear kazuhiko kuzuryu

Congratulations! You have been accepted into hopes peak academy under the title of ultimate sniper. You will begin on the 16th of September. We look forward to having you there at our establishment.

Sincerely mokoto neagi

I felt a smile spread across my face. Hopes peak. I'm going to hopes peak!

"Mom! dad! I'm going to hopes peak!" I waved my letter excitedly.

"Oh congratulations honey" mom pulled me into a hug "it's a wonderful school. You're going to love it-"

"He's not going" I turned around to see dad "he's too far away from home. If he was attacked at school we won't be able to protect him"

I looked at mom pleadingly. He sighed "fuyu going to hopes peak is what helped me finally make friends. It's how I met you. Would you really take that away from him?"

He stayed silent for a moment before sighing "if you promise that you'll stay safe and not do anything reckless, then I'll agree to it"

"Yes! Thank you guys!" I pulled them both into a hug before running upstairs.

Hopes peak. This is the chance of a lifetime. I can't afford to screw this up!

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now