naoko and natsuki

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Kazuhikos pov

FTE 1- naoko

I sat opposite naoko as painful silence filled the air. I know I invited her to hang out but this is just awkward!

She smiled softly "you look pretty uncomfortable-"

"Gah!" I fell off my seat in shock.

She covered her mouth to try and hide her laughter "my I didn't realise you were so clumsy"

"I'm not clumsy" my face heated up from embarrassment "you just surprised me. We spent a good twenty minutes in total silence. Were you struggling with a conversation topic?"

"No I simply feel comfortable around you"


"When you know and trust someone completely then you can go for ages without talking to them" she explained before turning away with a slight "but I suppose you don't feel the same way. I'm sorry I wasted your time. I'll just leave-"

"No!" I grabbed her wrist "I do trust you naoko. I'll prove it right now" I took a seat next to her with my arms folded.

"Kazuhiko-" I placed a finger to her lips and winked at her. She smiled softly and nodded.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in comfortable silence.


"Thank you for yesterday" naoko said as we walked along the beach together "it's nice to be able to sit with someone without worrying about confersation topics"

"No probs but maybe this time we could try talking" I said hopefully.

"Alright" she nodded.



Crap this is harder than I thought! Alright kazuhiko get it together. Just think of a topic and take it away from there!

"So ultimate investigator. What exactly is that?"

"Well I investigate the crime scene and give the evidence to the leading detective" she explained.

"You wouldn't solve the case on your own?" I was surprised. She seems so intelligent and reserved after all.

"Oh no I'd never be able to do that" she smiled softly "I'm not a great detective like my mother and brother"

"You have a brother" I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yes. Do you have any siblings?"

"No I'm a only child"

"Oh how sad. Having a sibling is a wonderful thing"

"Don't feel too bad for me. At least I don't have to deal with any sibling rivalry"

She froze "no that's not the case. I love my brother. I don't envy him at all!" Before I could stop her she ran off. I felt a guilty pang in my chest.

I really screwed up.


I paced back and forth nervously. I have to apologize to naoko. How can I call myself a man if I don't!

"You called me-"

"Gah!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. That girl always catches me off guard.

I turned to her "Naoko I'm sorry for what I said. I was way out of line-"

"No" she cut me off with a smile "you were right. I was jealous"


She nodded "my father's the ultimate hope who brought the world back from its knees. My mother comes from a line of detectives and my brother is twelve years old and already a genius detective. It's hard not to feel inferior"

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