Baking Cookies

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Kazuichis pov

"Alright baby this is a lot safer a pass time for a little boy like you to be doing" I said as I pulled out a bag of flour.

Kazuhiko pouted "going bang bang with a cool gun is way more fun than dumb old baking"

"That gun is incredibly dangerous" I placed my hands on my hips "you could've hurt yourself or others. I won't have you touching one until you're responsible enough"

"Why can't you be cool like daddy" he folded his arms.

"Your father is an irresponsible idiot!" I growled "I'm not having this conversation anymore hiko. Now come and help mommy cook"

"Fiiine" he groaned as he followed me to the cooking counter. I sighed to myself. Damnit fuyuhiko why do you always have to make me the bad guy!

*Time skip*

"Hehe this is kinda fun" he giggled as he stirred the batter "I'm sorry for being so grumpy mommy"

"It's ok sweetie" I ruffled his hair "I know you want to feel like a grown up but try and slow down a bit. Being a kid isn't as bad as you think"

"Ok mama" he nodded.

"Oh this looks done now" I picked up the bowl and poured the batter onto a tray "well done hiko. Now let's pop it into the oven"

*Time skip again!*

"Mmm yummy" kazuhiko mumbled, his mouth of freshly baked cookies.

"It sure is my little chef" I smiled softly. I love these small moments I get to spend with my child-

"Are those freshly baked cookies!?" Fuyuhiko appeared, his mouth practically watering.

I turned away from him "It is but I don't think you deserve any"

He wrapped his arms around my neck "I'm sorry. I should have talked to you about it. Going behind your back like that was wrong. Can you forgive me"

I sighed "fine just don't let it happen again" I handed him a cookie.

"Thank you my love" he kissed me on the cheek before happily snacking on the cookie.

I smiled softly. Maybe I won't make him sleep on the couch after all!

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now