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Kazuichis pov

I hummed softly to myself as browsed through the tool section. I had gotten the sudden itch to build something and since the kuzuryu clan didn't have any tools at home I was buying my own tool kit! I figured this kind of shopping would be boring for peko so I went alone.

"This should be enough" I muttered to myself as I put the tools in the shopping bag.
I was about to leave when a thought came to me.

"Maybe I should get fuyu something"

Just last night he confessed his love for me in a garden full of fairy lights. It was like something out of a movie. The kiss we shared still lingers on my lips. I touched them as a small blush spread across my cheeks. I never thought someone could love me like that.

Yeah I'll get him a present. That's what boyfriends do. Heh feels so weird to say that. I walked into the bakery and bought him a large cookie. I knew how much he loves those things. I bit into my own cookie as I exited the bakery.

"That was fun wasn't it baby?" I rubbed my stomach with a smile "once you're born we'll go shopping lots I promise. We'll even drag your grumpy old daddy along"

I can see it already. He'll refuse at first but then our kid will look at him with those big eyes I'm sure they'll have and he won't be able to refuse. Whether we have a boy or girl I'm sure fuyu will become a total softie around-

My thoughts were cut off by a bag being forced over my head....

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now