Kazuichis Request

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Mokotos pov

"You want to do what!" I stared at the boy in disbelief. He can't be serious!

"I want to go into the neo world with the others" there wasn't a hint of amusement in his face. He was completely serious about this!

"Kazuichi this could be incredibly dangerous" I tried to reason with him "the neo world has never been tested before. Something could happen that we hadn't planned for-"

"That's all the more reason I should go!" He said firmly "if I help monitor the world in there then I can keep them safe"

"And what about kazuhiko!" I pressed on "what will he do if he loses his mother"

He glanced to the side with a worried expression. I thought I finally got through to him but then he flashed us a big grin.

"He won't, cause I trust you three. You won't let anything bad happen to me. I know you won't!"

"You've only known us for a couple of days and you already have that level of trust in us? You really are a foolish boy" byakuya smirked but there was no malice behind his words. He really has gotten soft.

"Well mokoto he seems to have put a lot of trust in us. Do you still have the heart to refuse him?" Kyoko smiled knowingly. She knows me too well!

I sighed in defeat "fine. I grant you your request"

"Thank you!" He dived into my chest.

"Kazuichi you have to stay safe alright!" I took him by the shoulders "I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you!"

"Ok I promise to be careful" he nodded before heading off to the pods. I let out a sigh.

Please stay safe kazuichi.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now