Suicide Or Murder?

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Kazuhikos pov

We all took our places at the stand once again. Two murders. Two lives taken. I'm absolutely not going to forgive that!

"Ok let's get started" aiya said full of gusto. I can understand why. After what happened to Mia she obviously wants to get revenge for her.

"Aww look at you being surprisingly useful" kichi snickered.

"Let's be nice everyone" saiko said calmly "Kaizan can you give us a brief summary of the cause of death"

"Of course!" He jumped to attention. That guy's always trying to impress her! "Mia was stabbed several times in the gut. It took her roughly two minutes to die. Namiko died instantly due to a slit throat.

"In that case couldn't he have committed the murder" pekoya spoke up.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well he was afflicted with the depression desise. It might mean that this could be a murder suicide" she explained.

"Oh that's right" aiya said brightly "so we're ok right?"

"Not quite" I muttered. I have a bad feeling about this "Kaizan dose namikos injury seem self inflicted?"

"Now that you mention it no" he muttered "in fact it looks more like someone stood behind him and slit his throat"

"That makes sense" saiko stepped in "it would also help the blacken avoid blood spatter"

"I guess I jumped the gun huh. I'm sorry" aiya looked away tearfully.

"Hey don't say that. You're a teenager, you're not supposed to be good at this" token said firmly.

"Token" she touched her chest.

"What should we do aiya" his eyes held a surprising warmth in them. Seems aiyas kindness is rubbing off on him.

"I-" she figit nervously.

"It's ok. You got this partner" I smiled reassuringly.

"You guys" she teared up before quickly wiping it away "I think we should talk about the candles. It's definitely suspicious"

"An excellent observation my dear" taru smirked "candles are typically used in cult activities to guide the spirits to the underworld"

"It's pretty creepy that you know that" Kaizan shuttered.

"And the fact that you have such knowledge of stab wounds is also creepy but you don't see me insulting you" he glared at the boy

"Fair enough" he chuckled nervously.

"So we're dealing with a cultists" kichi grinned mischievously "well in that case I vote Archie"

"Ah how sad. It seems that I've been misunderstood" Archie sighed "atua is not a cult. It is a community of like-minded people who worship atuas greatness. And the fact that you have accused me without proof. Well it hurts"

Everyone muttered in agreement. No one was on his side.

"What are you doing kazuhiko" kichi hissed "we have to nail this guy"

"But there's no evidence against him" I muttered.

"Oh come on kazuhiko this has Archie written all over it"

"Well what do I do?"

"You're a yakusa aren't you. Play dirty!"

I nodded and took a deep breath. She's right. It I want to win I need to trick him.

"Archie atua told me everything you did"

"What?" Everyone looked at me like I was mad.

"That's right. Atua told me everything and he's very disappointed in you. To dirty your hands with the blood of innocences. It's disgraceful"

"Hiko what are you doing-"

"Hehehe" aiya was cut off by Archie's broken laughter "atua is disappointed in me? But why. I did everything he asked. EVERYTHING" he gripped his hair desperately.

"Well looks like we got our confession" kichi grinned "well done kazuhiko. You're a better lier than I thought"

I smiled back but I didn't feel good about this. I knew what had to be done through. So with a heavy heart I voted.

*Time skip*

Aiya struck his face, tears streaming down her face "why did you take her away from me" she demanded "WHY!"

"I did it for atua" his voice was unnaturally calm "he came to me at night and told me that I must be the sole survivor. I didn't want to kill my friends but I had to listen to him. He's my everything!"

"What is wrong with him" token muttered.

"It can't be" I reached out to touch his forehead. I jolted back in shock "he's sick"

"No" aiya covered her mouth in shock.

"What you didn't know" monokuma grinned creuly "Archie has been inflicted with the delusion desise"

"So none of this was his fault" the realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Yep and now he dies" monokuma raised his furry paw.

"Noooo" we reached out to stop him but it was too late. He hit the button...

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