Komeadas announcement

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Kazuhikos pov

We all split up and looked around for natsuki. Panic immediately filled my mind. What if something happened to him? No. I can't lose anything else!

"Kazuhiko" I turned around to see saiko, her face stone cold and serious "we found natsuki"

*Time skip*

I flew open the doors to the music venue with everyone by my side. I was shocked at what was unfolding in front of me...

"You have until midnight monokuma" natsuki said with a hateful glare "if you don't reveal yourself as the cowered you are hiding behind that bear, I'll burn this entire island to the ground!"

"What!" We all yelled in unison.

Natsuki turned to us with a smile "oh hey guys, you're right on time!'

"Don't you hey guys us!" Kaizan grabbed him by his shirt "you can't be serious!"

"Hmm an interesting offer Mr komeada, oh how you remind me of your father right now" monokuma chuckled "let's see if you can keep your word" with that he disappeared.

We all turned our attention to natsuki.

"You're not serious, right natsuki?" Aiya looked at him desperately.

He sighed "I'm sorry but I'm dead serious. I'd rather we all die now then watch us throw our lives away one by one"

"And you didn't think to consult us about this!" Kaizan screamed in his face.

"I thought you'd be on my side" his eyes widened at the sudden hostility.

"Well you thought wrong you selfish-" I grabbed his fist before it could collide with Natsuki's face. Natsuki pushed him away and ran out the door.

"Why'd you stop me?" He glared at me.

I sighed "Because at the end of the day we're friends who are in this together. We can't start fighting"

"Should I contain him?" Pekoya held the hilt of her sword "I can do it with minimal damage"

"That might not be a bad idea" I muttered.

"I don't think that's necessary" kichi grinned "he said he'd burn the island until the mastermind reveals themselves. So let's find the mastermind!"

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now