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Kazuhikos pov

I read through the list of students on this island. One of them has to be the one behind this and I intend to find out who.

Pekoya is definitely not suspicious. I trust that girl with my life. I also trust naoko, she wouldn't be fighting so hard if she was behind this. I don't know the others well enough but if I had to pick someone who's definitely suspicious it'd be ray and kichi. Ray's just so mysterious, he hasn't even told me his ultimate and kichi just a huge trouble maker who was way too chill with the idea of a killing game. I don't want to accuse anyone but I don't have time to-

I froze. Everything happened in slow motion. There was a scream and something flew past me and landed in front of me. It took me a while to register that something as the body of naoko neagi.

I ran to her side and took her pulse. Nothing. She was cold. Tears flooded my eyes. This can't be happening.

I heard a sound above me. I looked up to see a person in a strange mask. I felt a shiver run down my spine. She was targeted. I couldn't protect her.

"Ahh!" I turned around to see aiyas shaken form. Next to her was a equally shaken up Mia.

"Girls try and stay calm-" I was cut off by the monitor switching on.

"A body has been discovered! Please make your way outside of the hotel for more information" the screen went black.

"So she really is dead" aiyas eyes misted.

"I'm afraid so" I sighed. I'm used to death and watching people die but this is different. This is someone I grew close to. Someone I cared about. I felt like there was a hole in my heart that would never heal.

"I want to stop a tragedy at all costs" her words came back to me at that moment. That's right. I have to stop anyone else from dying. It's what she would want.

"Get a load of this" I turned around to see saiko with something in her hands, the others surrounded her "this is the monokuma file. It shows us the cause of death"

"Well read it out!" I yelled, there's no way that's not important.

She nodded "the victim was naoko neagi. She was killed by a fractured skull and a shattered spine"

"Oh god" natsuki burst into tears. I can't blame him. What an awful way to die.

She continued "her death was at 11am"

"That was just now" Kaizan turned to me "kazuhiko how did you get here so quick"

I took a deep breath "I witnessed her fall"

Everyone gasped before surrounding me "tell us everything!"

So I did.

"So you saw who pushed her" aiya gasped "dude you gotta tell us who did it!"

"I would if I could but the culprit was masked" I sighed.

"No way" aiyas shoulders slumped.

"Whoever this bastard is they're smart" Kaizan muttered "I say we explore the roof. Saiko, kazuhiko will you come with me?"

"Of course" we nodded as we followed him up on the rooftop.

Laying on the roof was the mask that looked earrily like monokuma and a letter. I opened it up and started reading.

Dear naoko

I know who the mastermind is. Meet me on the rooftop if you want to know.


I stared at it with tears in my eyes "why would she do this? Didn't she know it was dangerous?"

"Why indeed" saiko muttered "naoko was smarter than that. I can only assume that the poor girl was desperate"


"Hey check this out" I turned around to see Kaizan holding a knife "there's blood on the tip. Not enough to kill someone but definitely enough to do damage"

"But the monokuma file said nothing about a stabbing" I muttered softly. This mystery is just getting more and more complex.

Suddenly the monitor turned on "alright I'm getting bored. Let's get this trail on the road!" It shut off.

"Well looks like this is it. Best of luck everyone" saiko smiled nervously before walking away with Kaizan close behind.

I looked up at the heavens where I figured she was "naoko I know the mastermind was behind this. I promise I'll catch them and make sure no one else loses their life" with that promise in my heart I made my way to the trail grounds.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now