the moment of truth

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Kazuhikos pov

I looked over at each and every one of them. Someone had a scar, the last thing naoko left us. Now we can finally get a hold of the person who did this.

"There's no need for that" ray took off his jacket, revealing a scar! "There's no point hiding at this point. I might as well go out on my own terms"

"Ray no" namiko teared up.

He turned his back on us "I'm sorry but it's the truth"

We were stunned into silence. I mean he just admitted to the murder. There's nothing else we can do-

"I don't accept it" kichi spoke up.

"Kichi" Namiko looked at her hopefully.

"Don't get me wrong, he definitely did it. The proof is undeniable! But I want to know why he did it. I won't be satisfied until you do"

"Kichi" I stared at her in disbelief. Being this honest is definitely out of character!

"Come on big man. You had the balls to push that girl off a roof, the least you can do is tell us why!" She grinned like a she-cat.

"I don't have to tell you anything" he held his arms close to his chest.

"Why are you getting so defensive" gracia pressed on.

"I'm not being defensive!" He yelled "you already know that I'm the killer so just vote for me already!"

"Please ray, you're my best friend. Please tell me why you did it" namiko begged with tears in his eyes.

He stiffened up "fine you wanna know why I did it. I did it cause I'm a horrible person. You should hate me. HATE ME!" he screamed.

"That's not true" the realisation hit me like a ton of bricks "you were trying to stop the mastermind, just like us"

"But I thought he was the mastermind" aiya gasped.

"Of course not stupid!" Kichi sneered "do you really think that he'd reveal himself if he were the mastermind? No I had a feeling it was something more tragic"

Ray burst into tears "I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it!" He sobbed.

I let out a sigh. There's nothing else we can do. We voted for ray.

I approached the sobbing boy "please explain what happened" I said gently.

He hiccupped before desperately wiping away his tears "the truth is I'm the ultimate spy"

"Ultimate spy!" We gasped. I mean that's a pretty unexpected ultimate!

"Once I was taken to this island I promised myself I'd protect you all. That's the duty of a spy. I had my suspicions about naoko. She was always sneaking around and she seemed to know more than the rest of us"

"That's because she was trying to save everybody!" I said firmly "she wanted to stop a tragedy from happening. I was trying to help her do it!"

"Well I didn't know!" He yelled "I just wanted to talk to her, try and figure things out. I didn't have much of a choice with that time limit! But when she pulled out that knife I thought for sure she was the mastermind and I was her target. I couldn't let anything happen to the rest of you so I-I pushed her!"

I stared at the boy with pity in my eyes. So the mastermind used paranoia to make us play this sick game. Damnit!

Namiko pulled him into a hug "it's ok dude. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone. That's not the ray I know!" Ray cried against his best friend's shoulder. Monokuma was less than forgiving.

"Alright enough of the mushy stuff. It's punishment time!"

"No please!" Namiko screamed "don't take my-"

But it was too late. Monokuma slammed the button and a chain snatched ray away. He was dragged into what looked to be a spy trap.

Ray amomis punishment
Deadly traps

Monokuma popped in dressed like a supervillain. He pressed a button and ray was thrown into a bunch of traps. A spike pit, spinning blades, A tank filled with sharks. Blood flew everywhere! His pain only ended when he was dunked slowly in a pit of acid.

We all watched in horror. Some screamed, some cried, I could only stand there and watch. I've never in my life seen someone killed so brutally!

I approached pekoya "that was once hell of a trail. At least we both made it out alright"

She took a step back "you lied to me"


"You promise me that nothing was going on. You looked me in the eyes and told me that everything was fine!" She pushed me with a hurt look.

"Pekoya I was only trying to protect you-"

"What if you were targeted instead of naoko? How do you think that would make me feel!" Tears were streaming down her face.


"I can't do it hiko. I can't watch you throw your life away!" She ran off crying, leaving me all alone.

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