A Scared Mother

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Mokotos pov

My name is mokoto neagi. Before the tragedy I was no one special. Just a kid who was only there cause he won the lottery. A simple kitten among a pride of lions. But after I survived a literal killing game I joined the future foundation and became known as the ultimate hope. Whether I deserve that title or not I'll do my best to make sure hope never dies!

Right now I found a place that might be occupied by the remnants of despair. I'm without backup and kinda scared but I won't back down. I have people I want to protect and that means taking the remnants down! I ran downstairs and swung the door open...

"Yah!" A boy with pink hair fell to his knees in shock. Assuming he's one of them I reached over to grab my handcuffs when I noticed that his leg was chained up. My eyes softened.

He's a prisoner.

I gently approached. He backed up nervously "it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you" I said reassuringly. My eyes scanned the boy, making sure he wasn't hurt. Surprisingly he didn't have a scratch on him. In that case why's he here? I noticed a workbench behind him. Is he their handyman? Yes that must be it!

I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him my kindest smile "you're safe now"

To my surprise he started crying "I'm sorry"

"What on earth do you have to be sorry about?" I chuckled softly.

"Cause I built the machines that killed your friends"

My eyes went dark "what?"

"I'm so sorry" he screamed as he held his head "I didn't want to but it was the only way to protect my baby!"

It was at that moment that a baby started crying.

"Kazuhiko!" He tried to run over to him but he tripped over his chains.

"Easy. I'll go get him" I walked over and picked the small boy up. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked just like an angel. I knew junko was pure evil but threatening a baby is just a new low!

"Hey buddy" I rocked him gently back and forth "I bet you want your mom right now huh? Here I'll bring you to him"

I walked over to the macanic and handed the baby over to him. He held his child close and cried. I thought that I'd hate the person who created those terrible execution mechanics but after seeing the he cradle his child like he's the last thing he has left, I can't bring myself to hate him.

I walked over to the wall where the keys hung and picked them up "I'm going to get you both out of here"

"You mustn't!" He yelled suddenly "if you help us escape my husband will track you down and he'll do horrible things to you!"

"Your husband imprisoned you?" I said in disbelief.

He looked away tearfully "he's changed so much. He never used to be so cruel!" This poor boy. It sounds like he's been through hell.

"It's alright. I promise I'd protect the hope of this world. So no matter what dangers I may face I promise to protect you and kazuhiko with my life!"

"Thank you" he gave the first genuine smile I'd seen since I met him. Tears shone in his eyes but that wasn't the only thing I saw.

I saw hope.

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